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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Question for anyone who has built the Fisher -2 Panther...


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I am contemplating whether I should drop a bunch of cash at a Black Friday sale or just get one of Paul Fishers nice resin kits. I was wondering what the other marking options were in the F9F-2 kit as it doesnt clarify in the decription on the web page. I sent an e mail but no reply yet and the sales are either going on now or close at hand. Thanks!

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Hi, found this in Tom Cleaver's Modelling madness-review, hope this helps: 


Markings are for Harry Brubaker’s “Two-Zero-Niner” of VF-192 Golden Dragons (which was a real airplane flown with the “LT. H. BRUBAKER” marking for the rest of the time the squadron flew the Panther after it starred in the movie), a Marine Panther of VMF-232 in Gull Grey and White, and the Number 5 solo plane from the Blue Angels’ 1955 team.

Thanks so much for taking the time to look for the info but that is the -5 Panther, I was wondering about the -2.

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You're right, did look at the wrong version - but Tom Cleaver also did a -2 version,

and this is what he said about the four decal options:

 Decals are provided for William T. Amen’s MiG-killer, an F9F-2 flown by my old Commanding Officer, VADM Damon W. Cooper, when he was CO of VF-91 aboard the Princeton in 1953, a grey-white Marine Reserve airplane, and a very colorful F9F-2KD drone controller used for the Regulus program from Point Mugu in 1958.




I missed that review...thank you!

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