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1/35 Mi-24v Airframe Stencil data set


Linden Hill Decals




Catalogue number LHD35003

Available direct from Linden Hill Imports or Hannants for £6.40


The good old 1/35 Mi24v kit from trumpeter has been around for a long time, but is still the best kit out there of the Hind in my opinion. It's one of their best large scale kits to date.




Over the years, there have been a few aftermarket accessories made for the kit, one of which being this stencil set from Linden Hill Decals. The decal set covers all the stencils required both inside and outside the airframe, (Note no cockpit stencils are included).




The set contains one off sheet measuring 130 x 203mm of beautifully printed decals, all perfectly in register and shaded correctly for what references I have.




The sheet is divided up into the relevant sections to include; Air Cleaners, Tail Rotor, Rear Cabin, Weapons Pylons, main Rotor and Fuselage. Soviet and Russian Red Stars are included.






The placement guide is printed in black and white on one folded piece of A4 paper. It is well printed and clear, with descriptions and notes of variations across different countries.




The back page gives guidance notes, reference suggestions and even kit suggestions. Funny they suggest 1/48 and 1/72 kits but no mention of the Trumpeter kit?





Linden Hill claim they get their references directly from the real aircraft, looking at their sets I can quite believe it. they are VERY good!! If you enjoy your models with a Soviet slant, you should give these Decals a try. Their 1/32 Su-27 sets are awesome!!


Thanks to my pocket for this lovely set. See my other Mi-24V reviews in this review section.



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