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1:32 BAE Systems Hawk T.1 2007 Special Schemes

RAM Decal
Catalogue # RAM32-001
Available from RAM Models for £13.50






In a slightly arse about face way, today we look at the first decal release from RAM Models, following on from their civilian Spitfire decal set that we looked at very recently. This one, unsurprisingly, focuses on the beautiful 2007 special scheme applied to a number of Hawk T.1 aircraft. This particular set caters to two specific machines: XX307 and XX205.


As tends to be the format, this set is packaged into an A5 zip-lock wallet, with a colour-printed, folded A4 sheet within, and two decal sheets. One of these though appears to be just a small addition, maybe of decals which had been forgotten from the initial printing. There’s no doubt that the Hawk looks sleek and sexy in this scheme, and one of the two machines is shown in both side profiles on the cover. The only actual difference between both aircraft is the serial number on the rear fuselage, so with all intents, both schemes are nigh on the same.




Open up the sheet, and you’ll see that the decals supplied are massively extensive. You really don’t need anything from the kit in order to complete these schemes….whether that is in national markings or even stencils.


The decal placement sheet shows both side profiles again, as well as upper and lower plans. All decals are numbered and their positions easily locatable on the airframe. Despite the darkness of the scheme, the profiles have grey panel lines to accurately determine the correct position of each specific decal. As well as those profiles, a small number of other drawings are supplied for the nose and main gear struts, and also the internal main gear door faces. Colour codes are supplied here too, and given for BS, FS, Humbrol, Xtracolour, Xtracrylix, Lifecolor and ModelMaster paints. I would quite like to have seen Gunze and Tamiya codes, but it’s easy enough to work out the alternatives.








The sheer number of supplied decals is extraordinary for an aftermarket set. Looking at the decal sheet, we can again see that Fantasy Printshop is responsible for production. This is always good news and I rate their decals very highly. Printing is reasonably thin, with minimal carrier film, solid colour and perfect registration. I know Ray Horwell is a perfectionist with this, so rest assured the quality will be spot-on.




The large scheme coloured arcs and curves are the main event on this sheet, and flank the multitude of other decals on there. Your work is really cut out with this set, so take plenty of time at the bench, and a few cups of coffee. Silver decals are also included, allowing you to neatly trim the edge of the canopy. Silver decals are also included for the explosive wires which are connected to the canopy itself. I really don’t know how these would fare though, as decals attached to transparencies is rarely a recipe for success. However, they are there.

Due to printing limitations and other factors with screen printing, the roundels have been printed with a separate red centre. The remainder of the sheet is made of from many, many stencil decals, and walkway panel lines. These are very fine indeed, and certainly rival those more commonly seen on the sheets supplied with the kits.


A first-rate decal set which both beautifully represents the T.1 scheme, and has been meticulously reproduced with its multitude of stencils which pertain to the predominantly black scheme colour. Production is also first rate, and you really should find nothing here that will be difficult. Maybe it’s time to go and source myself that Revell kit now.


Highly recommended


My sincere thanks to RAM Models for this review sample. To purchase directly, click THIS link.


James H





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White, red and black are always a good graphic combination. 


Reminding me the Mirage-2000 scheme in the French movie "Les Chevaliers du Ciel"...




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