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Hi guys,

! am in the process of repainting a 1/18 F-18 Hornet and have decided to decal it in the RAAF 20th Anniversary Scheme. My question is this. I have and old set of 1/48 decals of the scheme and wonder can these be scanned and resized to 1/18 scale whilst retaining clear definition ? Would an ALPS printer be the appropriate way to reproduce. As I have never seen any !/18 decals to purchase for these large aircraft or even attempted to do this size myself,  any advice would be much appreciated.


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Hi Steve, if you scan the decals at 600 or even 900 dpi you should be able to blow them up a bit, but I don't think blowing them up to 1/18 will do them any good. Rough edges, register misalignment issues, etc will come into play.

I suggest you re-draw them in let's say: Adobe Illustrator if you can. Or even Microsoft Word of Powerpoint.

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