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Hi everyone.. I have been away from this forum for nearly four years!!! Doesn't time fly??

I have some Lancaster questions which I hope can be answered by some knowledgable folk on here. ... if this is the wrong place to put this, please feel free to move it.

I have reference books and mags, but thought it would be easier to get the knowledge from someone in the know. Books can be wrong, especially their drawings.

1. What are the differences between the Mk1 and Mk111? Which bomb aimers blister should be used for either version, holed or plain?

2. Were the grab railings inside the cockpit actually painted yellow, or is this only applicable on post war aircraft.

3. Should the interior in front of and including the cockpit be black or green? Every Lanc I've seen is black, but my SAM book shows these areas in green?

4. I am of the opinion that the oil coolers on the kit are the wrong shape and should be rectangular. Am I correct?  The kit parts depict a MkX aircraft like the memorial Lanc?

Thanks in anticipation of many replies.....

If you would like to see an in-box review of this kit on YouTube take a look at my channel, "Nigel's Modelling Bench" I have also done a review of the HB 1/32 B-24.

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