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Hope you are all doing ok in these strange times. Two quick questions that I've been pondering - lockdown gives you time to think about things !  

I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on the Kitty Hawk Mirage 2000 but it's still not available in UK shops, any views on why and when it will be ??

Also watched some great videos today of F22's, they are a really good looking plane to my eyes, why haven't they been released in 1/32 (ignoring the testors kit) ??   

Thanks for your thoughts, I'm back to more pondering 


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As for the Mirage 2000, I've ordered both the -C and -D/N directly from KH the minute they were released. The -C comes with a resin pilot (ok-ish but not so great) and a resin exhaust, the -D/N just with the resin exhaust. But both kits have their shortcomings: The -C boxing provides markings for the -5 version, but the main IP is only good for the -C, the -5 one looks noticeably different. From the -D/N one can actually only build a-B if nitpicking, as again, the instrument panels are for the -B only. The instructions are mostly guesswork when it comes to weapons, so you need lots of references. But if you want to build one of them just for enjoyment and yourself, the surface detail is great on both kits and both would certainly be a great addition to your cabinet. BTW, Reedoak have just released a fantastic Mirage 2000 pilot which looks fantastic, I had to order one.

Luckymodel have presently the -D/N on stock.


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Lothar it's a shame from kittyhawk what they did on the mirage 2000 D/N no excuse ! decals molde line wrong cockpit at the end we need almost the same amount of money in aftermarket good if some will come to help us 

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Yes, if you want to build a correct -D or -N, no chance. You're right, it's a shame considering that the kit is quite expensive. But I have my doubts that any AM manufacturers will come to the rescue. Look at the available aftermarket for the -C, next to nothing except a few PE parts and decals. Anyway, once I'm finished with my current project, I will try to build a correct -C with the help of the Duke Hawkins reference book on the Mirage 2000 and a bit of elbow grease.


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