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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Mini Strandbeest model

Steve D

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This might not qualify as a large scale model. The full size Strandbeest "creatures" are up to 20 metres in length and 3 metres tall. The model is about 20cm by 20 cm and about 19 cm tall.


"Strandbeests" are the creations of Dutch kinetic artist Theo Jansen, a true genius. He created these creatures that roam the beaches near his home, and has developed various forms of the creatures ("strandebeest" is Dutch for "beach creature").


Check out YouTube or Google images of these creatures and models.


I just assembled my model (Animaris Ordis Parvus) and had little difficulty doing so (though it does get tricky in some parts).


I hope you can enjoy these "creatures" as I have. Truly fascinating, and wonderful in motion.


I apologise for not showing you the model, but I do not have a Photobucket account.

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I've seen film of these Strandbeests and they are quite mesmerising. Someone has also created one on a 3D printer which need no assembly and worked the moment it came off the printer !!

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I have seen a YouTube video of Adam Savage (of Mythbusters fame) assembling a bipedal strandbeest and he has two others on his desk. He demonstrates the model that I built, and displays a 3D printed version.


When will I be able to afford one of those 3D printers? The problem would be that you would HAVE to tell everyone you meet, and they would ALL have a list of objects that need printing. You'd never get any rest after that.

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