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  1. OK, I am doing this as I have really fallen out of love with modelling, it started about a year ago and has not got any better. So I have a couple of kits for sale, I am not going to let them go a stupidly low prices, but I think I would be open to very reasonable offers. I am based in the UK, and all sales will be Plus Postage, Obviously I would like to be able to sell in the UK, but hey its who ever wants them and has the money to spend. OK first up - Trumpeter P47 Razorback, 1/32, this kit is mint and come with buckets of extra aftermarket stuff, including decals, masks, resin and PE, a little too much to list here, so much easier to show some pics, all of this including the kit would have cost well over £130 to purchase. Looking for an offer close to £80 for this one. Next up - this has got to be the most reluctant sell that I have in the small stash that I own - WNW 1/32 Fokker D.VII (FOK) OOP. Mint in the box kit, plus some extra Aviattic decals, we all know its a brilliant kit and the box is packed. So you will understand why I am looking for a very close offer to £180. I do have a few other kits such as the following, but they are not aircraft, but still may appeal to one or two of you. Italeri FIAT Mefistofele 1/12 kit plastic reproduction of the old Protar kit, its not a bad kit, A few parts have come off the sprues, but if your gonna build it. then it doesn’t matter. - Looking for an offer close to £80 Post and Packing is extra and dependent of where you are, just PM me for what you may want, Just PM me and we can go from there... Thanks Dave http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r286/DaveM65/12140138_904506156298250_847247696046389491_o_zpsqk1odvcn.jpg[/img
  2. Hi Guys Sad news came through today that Grand Master Modeller and Military Historian - Shep Paine passed away on the 1st of August..... A great tribute has been released on the MMSI Club Website http://www.military-miniature-society-of-illinois.com/new-page-2 Many of you will know him from his dio’s the Old Monogram Colour sheets and the many books he produced.... Sad Loss indeed Dave
  3. Its a great kit, but for me, I perhaps will leave this one, not as much enthusiasm for this aircraft, as I have the others I have purchased, but of course that may change at some point...... I think we all know that we get what we pay for, from WNW.... its just trying to justify the cost along with the want for the kit. Dave
  4. Modelcellar do some great figures as well..... but there are some terrific future releases I should imagine from most of the figure manufacturers.
  5. This is the one I wanted, thank you great review. Dave
  6. That has got to be some of the worst photoshop work I have ever seen..........lol
  7. I would also say, try and take in to account that in most cases, the adjustable turnbuckles were only at one end of the rigging cables, and a mounting at the other. Control wires are another thing entirely as they probably would have had adjusters at either end and joints where necessary....
  8. I have taken my time on all the kits I have, the started ones and the finished ones, I have never been this inpatient to get a model kit before, ever since seeing a super detailed 1/72 version of the late Felixstowe, I have wanted to build a large scale, but could never find one....... I may find both of these winding their way to my doorstep, even if I will never get the chance to build them....... Dave
  9. I would buy this just to have on the shelf..........just lovely Dave
  10. Hi Robin You can't miss with the info from these guys...... Dave
  11. I am glad to say that my early birthday present from my wife, arrived today, the lovely Roland CII, early version. A big thank you to my wonderful wife..... Dave Oh yeah, thanks Wingnut Wings......lol
  12. Hi Dave It is a shame that its not confirmed as MvR ride, but good research is good research, so thanks go to you and the rest of the guys.... Dave
  13. I have just tried their website, it seems to be down, is there anyway of finding this somewhere or have Back gone out of business...? Thanks Dave
  14. The early version looks great, I have been waiting a long time for this, order will go in today, but I wonder how long it will be before there are some other decals available... Mine is now on its way, order placed today, by my lovely wife, for my birthday, yay Dave
  15. I would have either one of these..... Roland C.II Walfisch, or a Rumpler Taube, please Dave
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