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Alexandr Uhlik

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About Alexandr Uhlik

  • Birthday 07/14/1963

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    Prague, Czech Republic

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  1. I have a very good results using cheap children electric toothbrush. It has smooth yet stiff brush. I am using it also to clean the model before painting. Regards Alexandr
  2. She's finished... Hope you'll like it Alexandr
  3. Eric, this particular vehicle is of British Army in Tunis. But a lot of Bedfords were used by RAF on airfields. So diarama with a bomber, say Lancaster for instance, and it's crew could be quite realistic I supose... Regards Alexandr
  4. Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it Well, the canvas No tricks guys, just a very thin light paper - the silk paper. It is very thin having one side glossy and the other flat with some sort of structure. Work is quite easy. You just need some thined white glue. The only problem is the silk paper shrinks a lot when the glue dries. I know it because my canvas top construction collapsed during the first attempt . The second time I've make the paper more relaxed and the result - you see Thanks again Alexandr
  5. Hi, I've managed to finish the Bedford: Will try to get some better pictures and place it to finished model section. Hope you like it Alexandr
  6. Hi Mirek, Main colors are Mr.Paint, inv. stripes and interior are Gunze C. Tamiya Enamels used for fine details. Alex
  7. Decals on ...
  8. Hi, I was quite busy with this build so no time left for posting updates Vektor wheelbay is nice but the instalation is a nightmare. The result... A bit of masking and was good to go for some stripes Still lot to do...
  9. Hi, Just started this one for our local group build. The selected marking ... ... and a few images of interior before fuselage is closed: Thanks for looking Alexandr
  10. Hi, I am working several days on Airfix beautiful new Bedford. My intention is to make this Started by tuning up the gas tanks and rear fenders. Next was the canvas top. As you can see on the original photo, the truck I am doing is of the fixed canvas type - i.e. it is considered a "van". So I had to fabricate a frame for a canvas. I made a new canvas top for a cab, too. Next will be filters, stains, dust, oil, rust etc. etc. etc. S.
  11. I am for Hansa-Brandenburg
  12. Hi Gus, I am using Tamiya magnifier. Bit more expensive but very handy and works with my eye glasses without any problems. Also optical quality is great - no distorsion, just magnified vision HTH Alexandr
  13. Second production run just arrived Sets are available again
  14. The first production run is all gone I have ordered a second run. Regards Alexandr
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