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Everything posted by scott_t

  1. Done ..... fun build ! Got a few flaws .....a couple that I will fix ...... great 2-footer build 🙂
  2. Done as she's gonna be ...... I see a couple of flaws (for me) that I will tweak.
  3. Thanks so much Peter !!!! Hope to finish her off by the end of the weekend, trying to fit in the build around doing work at my daughter's house this weekend. Can't wait to see yours finished !!! -Scott
  4. Weapons coming along ........ waiting for a Sprue Bros delivery of some semi-gloss clear for the missiles. Washed and flat coated.
  5. Weapons and Pods .....and decals .....and more decals.... and yet again, more decals. Next build will be back in 1/32nd after this exercise is squinting and magnified vision 🙂 Thanks for looking ! Scott
  6. Outstanding Peter !!!!! love how the panel line wash came out !! -Scott
  7. Thanks Peter !!!!! Hope to have it finished this week !
  8. Thanks Jeff !!! Work has begun on the weapons loadout.
  9. Standing up her gear now !!
  10. Looking forward to your update Peter !!!!
  11. Here we are ...... decals on ...... need to gloss coat over them, wash, dull coat and a whole lot more.
  12. Looking good Peter !!!! My F-14D is at the decaling stage after many days of hitting it with light gloss coats.
  13. Weapons & landing gear look great Peter !!!! Hope mine look as good !!! Scott
  14. Just to prove that I'm still at it ...............working on landing gear, pylons, etc.
  15. Looking great Peter !!!! Quinta set looks fantastic installed !!!! -Scott
  16. Still working on the Felix Cat ...... life events and work getting in the way.
  17. Well here we are so far ....... Quinta cockpit decals ...... I have a set of Legend F-14D seats that still need painting. On to the next area ......nose gear bay and forward fuselage -Scott
  18. Beautiful pics Martin !!!
  19. Decided to jump in with a Tamiya F-14D. First of all, I forgot how "small" 1/48th is to me now after working on 1/32nd aircraft armor in 1/35th & 1/16th. I'll be using the Quinta cockpit set and I have ResKit exhausts and I have ResKit thermal coated GBU-12 weapons on the way. I also have some 3D printed landing gear that looks very nice as well. I am going for a low viz line bird versus a fancy CAG bird. An hour's worth of work to remove the nice kit molded details to prep for the Quinta set. Paint to follow ....... black base coat followed by the cockpit color. -Scott
  20. The inboard Navy-style pylons from ResKit are beautiful.
  21. We have 3,000 sq ft ...... main house is 2100 .....my Mom's apartment is 900. So 2 heat & A/C systems, 2 kitchens, etc. My new bill is $347. Not horrible considering the nice 85-90 degree weather here in Maryland.
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