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PHFantastic Plastic

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Everything posted by PHFantastic Plastic

  1. I have 8 on pre-order; 20% off retail at shows. Paul
  2. Gentlemen - possibly I am being a bit picky, but to place an order totalling USD 893 and find the box of an AEG G.IV torn at one corner and receive the very disappointing response: Hi Paul, Thanks for your email, Unfortunately we have no spare AEG boxes currently, however if that changes you will be at the top of the list to get one. Thanks. - seems to me not in keeping with the usual excellent Wingnuts customer service delivery. If I buy a kit from, say, Hannants, and there is a problem, they fix it. Who wants a box with a gaping hole in it? If I knew how to attach an image, I would.
  3. Hi - at Yeovilton this Saturday you will find I have the Fly Focke Achgelis, Trumpeter Ju 87A, Special Hobby Bristol M1 all at 20% off (a bargain, but I agree not ludicrously cheap) and various Wingnut kits at sensible prices. In the main Hall, on the road to Concorde. Paul
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