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Everything posted by JaseGill

  1. Hi All, I'm new here so thought I would introduce myself with my 1st large scale build after returning to the hobby a couple years or so ago, just before this kit was released.. Its mostly out of the box and as everyone knows it falls together after a box shake. It has some aftermarket harnesses and a Barracuda door and crow bar. I've added some wiring to the engine area and its weathered with oils and some pigments. I spent ages reading all about the techniques in various publications and web sites and just the chance to build a 1/32 Spitfire inspired me to get back into the hobby. I'm told the markings are wrong for the type, I didn't find out before I shared this elsewhere and guess I should have done better research rather than choosing the aftermarket decals I liked with invasion stripes Also I now know the Flap indicators (I thought they were gear indicators) shouldn't be down with the flaps up. Oops. Anyway I hope you like and look forward to constructive criticisms.
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