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About Tarasdad

  • Birthday 07/06/1962

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    California City, California, USA

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  1. I wasn't going to use any aftermarket on the kit but the thought of trying to get the kit tracks to sag properly made me change my mind. Building the Friul tracks has been a slow process due to my arthritis. Unfortunately that slow process has now come to a screeching halt. My neighbor's 9 month old Bull Mastiff got his leg stuck betweem a post and panel in our vinyl fence (horrible stuff, would replace it if we weren't renting) and I tried to help him get loose. Made the not-so-wise decision to try and pull the panel back but got my hand too close to him and...well...scared puppy, what can I say.
  2. What about A 1/32 Fw 200 Condor?
  3. First 25 links assembled. Took me about 2 hours to get to this point. Two more sections have been assembled since I took the photo. Still have another 110 links to check for flash, then assemble those into the left track. Also need to decide how to finish them. Don't have any burnishing fluid but my wife does have some Liver of Sulphur for her jewelry work if we can find where it got packed away last move.
  4. Look what came in the mail today! Looks like I have a bit of work to do today! Ordered these from sk1968sk (achtungpanzer, aka Szymon) on ebay and he added the two 2m antennas as a bonus - great service!
  5. A couple of months back I was working on the instrument panel, applying decals, when I noticed that I had forgotten to paint the instrument bezels. Quickly corrected that minor omission but the paint was taking so long to dry that I decided to help it along by applying a little heat. I pulled my 50 watt halogen lamp down to provide heat - and promptly got distracted. Oops... I immediately ordered a replacement from Revell, but because it's a Revell-Germany kit it took a bit of time for the replacement to ship. Got it in the mail today so I'm all set to resume work on the kit once my Tiger I build is out of the way.
  6. Kit has been on hold for a couple of weeks due to a nasty cold that I'm still recovering from. Also have a set of Friul Tiger I Initial (mirror) tracks enroute - the kit rubberband tracks are darned nice, but are very thick and heavy. Getting them to sag properly is more than I want to tackle at this point.
  7. Simply stunning! I bow to a master at work! This is one of those builds that could make someone say "that's it, I quit" - but nah, got too much to do still!
  8. Dave, thanks for the info! Gorgeous figures but a wee bit pricey, especially with shipping added! Going to have to think about this one a while.
  9. Sorry to resurrect such an old post but I just have to know... Where did you get that brilliant pilot figure from? I'm very much interested in one for my build of this kit!
  10. Thanks! Definitely still a work in progress. 99% of the time I've spent on this model so far has been working on the cockpit. there's so much "glass" that you can't afford to not take the time to make it look good!
  11. Finances (or the lack thereof) dictate primarily OOB builds for me. I'll get AM bits when and where I can, such as seat harnesses and other small stuff. Full PE/resin detailing is beyond my means, unfortunately.
  12. At first I had painted it RLM 66 as well, but then I found some photos that showed some painted and some in bare wood. I decided that the bare wood adds a bit of interest to the cockpit area - with all that RLM 66 it looks a bit dark and dreary otherwise!
  13. Those are some great reference pics!
  14. This kit was purchased for a buddy build. Since the build lasts all year I've been going fairly slow with it. The cockpit is OOB with the exception of scratch building the missing seat armor plate from heavy cardstock, one of several errors Revell made on the kit. Still need to do the weathering and some other detail work. I plan on purchasing some PE and resin bits before continuing the build.
  15. This is a project that I started just before New Years. It has been progressing slowly and is now on hold while I finish another project for a SIG build at another forum. Here's my progress so far: Cockpit coming along Plywood detail - quite happy with how this came out 90% there, still need to get seatbelts done plus washes and weathering Other odds and ends have also been assembled but this has occupied most of my time so far. One thing for sure, I had forgotten just how huge a 1/32 scale aircraft could be over the years!
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