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Everything posted by vdbo76

  1. I'm speechless... Your skills and patience in reproducing all those lovely details are amazing. Very interesting to follow!
  2. I spotted your Ohka, looking great! Well, a 1/32 Betty would be... very impressive!!! :-)
  3. As I have not build a 1/32 bird I would like to show you a build I did for a WWII bomber GB on a other forum :-) This is my Betty, the Mitsubishi G4M1 model 11, together with the Yokosuka MXY7 Ohka in scale 1/48. I doe realise that the model 11 never carried the Ohka, but just imagine that a model 22 is standing right next to it ;-) For the Betty I used the Tamiya kit number 110. It’s a reboxing of quite an almost 20 year old kit. I really enjoyed building this kit. The parts are fitting very well and the panel lines are fine and recessed. Only the interior is lacking in details. I added quite some details from scratch but they are almost not visible on the pictures – but hey, I know they are there :-). In addition I used the Eduard interior set and maskings, aftermarket decals from Techmode and resin wheels from True Details. The base for the engine is made from scratch, the resin engine self is from Vector. This is the first time I tried to seriously cut into perfectly fine models and make changes and adding details – and I had a lot of fun doing it. This is also the first time I used an airbrush and this I like even more :-). I have a lot to learn, but got a good start with this kit. The main colours are from Mr.Hobby, H59 IJN green and H61 IJN grey. The Ohka is a very nice kit form FineMolds. Perfect details, great fit – pure joy to build. The only thing I added is the belt on de undercarriage and some seatbelts. The little ride and the figures are from a Hasegawa kit and where a fun and easy build. I hope you like it :-)
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