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Everything posted by CyberGolem

  1. You misspelled "ribbbing". With what you're doing it should be ribbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbing.
  2. Speaking of learning. If it weren't for scale modelling it's highly likely I'd never known of these great planes. Forums like this make the learning all the more enjoyable and thorough. I hope to visit the UK one day and visit some of the museums that house these amazing birds.
  3. The only advice I feel qualified giving you is, "Please don't stop".
  4. Welcome back, and bearing such great gifts no less Btw, what paint were you using before Tamiya?
  5. This is an amazing build so I await with bated breath....
  6. Copy that. Thanks for the update. I'm not posting anything just trying to see what was posted but obviously can't. I didn't realized that Photobucket is now charging a subscription rate. A pricey one at that. It's laughable considering the cost of buying a personal domain and just targeting a pic inside an online folder. I also wonder if it's possible to point at pics on a Facebook account?
  7. I'm having the opposite problem of not being able to see photos posted from Photbucket. Instead, I get a pic with a message in it reading, "Please update your account to enable 3rd party hosting". I've looked in my settings but don't see a way to update my prefs. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  8. Thanks for posting your progress, it's inspiring to watch. I just finished viewing a great documentary on the Lanc, and it was hosted by no other than a young Obi-Wan :: WWII Bomber Boys of Britain with Ewan McGregor. I'd never seen it before or much on this bomber until then. It's a fantastic show about a fantastic plane. Anyway, thanks again. WWII Bomber Boys of Britain with Ewan McGregor
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