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Russell Niles

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Everything posted by Russell Niles

  1. HI guys I have one Fisher Kit and that is the Sea Fury. I also have all of the interior and update kits that Paul did for the Hobby Craft kit. Dont know which one I will get around to building first, but most likely the Fisher kit. Met Paul many years ago at our chapters annual June show. Heck of a nice guy, such a darn shame about what happened up in Paradise.
  2. Looking good so far. These Silverwings kit are are truly a joy to behold and build. I had a ball with the Sea Gladiator earlier this year and would love to have the Demon as well as the Hart. I have a thing for between the wars aircraft, US as well as British. Keep on trucking and giving us updates. Great to see the progress. Russ
  3. Hi there I can help you out with this. I have the instructions sheets in my desk. Drop me a line off list. Russ r_niles1@juno.com
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