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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×


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About BlrwestSiR

  • Birthday 08/04/1971

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    Toronto, Ontario

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  1. Too... ...much... ... information!!!!!
  2. "If you're gonna build a time machine into a car, why not do it with some style?"
  3. That's a stunning looking engine there Rob. Well worth the effort that you've put into it. Hopefully the wiring isn't too bad.
  4. Hubert, the Reedoak figures really are on a different level. I have a pair of them from my Tamiya F-14 and they're truly stunning. Not only is the detail exemplary, but the figures fit the ejection seat and controls perfectly. No need to tweak anything to get their hands in place.
  5. Nice job on the clear bits there Chris. One other solution for the future is trying a clear UV gel. They would set up a lot faster so you could build up the thickness needed. You can also get a nice domed shape to them. I've used it for wingtip lights and IP dial faces.
  6. Sorry I missed you too Ernie. I am glad the screwdriver missed anything critical though. Closest I come to that is watching an Xacto slowly roll off the bench and land in my foot. Which I'm sure has happened to others on here.
  7. That's so cool to see the progress. Happy birthday too Rog.
  8. I applied the decals and gave the missiles a wash with Tamiya Dark Grey. I didn't put all the decals on as each middle as it is has more decals on it than the F-15 itself.
  9. Thanks Peter. They're Japanese AAM-3 missiles actually. Fairly recent design so I thought it more appropriate for the build. I was originally going to use AIM-9X missiles which could explain the mix-up.
  10. A quick update. After checking all the hoses I found one that was leaking. Ordered a replacement from the dealer before we left on vacation. This weekend I finally got it installed and topped off the power steering fluid. All is back to normal after a drive around the neighbourhood.
  11. Welcome.back Kai! That's some great work there. The BoP looks impressive. The Thunderbolt even more so. Any chance you're working on a Star Fury to go with it?
  12. The only problem with that is trying to remember what it was. I know one of my earliest models was a Monogram Snaptite Jet Ranger. Definitely not my first model but close to it.
  13. Nice job with the intakes John. Even nicer job on the Alclad finish.
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