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Everything posted by sandbagger

  1. Hi all, The Hispano-Suiza V8 200hp engine for the Dolphin is done. For once I've not fully detailed the engine. On this model, all of the engine cowl/access panel will be fitted. As such, there is very little of the engine that will be visible. However, the lower, outer ignition leads will just be visible. I found it strange that the kit instructions on page 4 for painting the engine shows parts as Copper or Brass. This doesn't seem to reflect the metals used on this engine, as can be seen on the following photographs of an engine, built under license by ‘Wolseley’. Also, the bracing wire rigging for the cockpit side frames, shown on page 6 of the kit instructions, suggests the wires were round wire wound cable. However, photographs clearly show that these wires were in fact streamlined wires. As can be seen by the non-turnbuckle tension adjusters and the exposed thread portion of the end of the wires. Mike
  2. Hi Kevin, I've not found anything to say he eventually made it to China, Mike
  3. Hi all, As my build of the Austro-Hungarian Lloyd C.V is drawing to a close, I thought I'd post my next build. First of all, I apologize for the length of this introduction, but I think it makes for interesting reading. It's the introduction to my build log of this model. This model represents Sopwith 5F.1 ‘Dolphin’, Serial No: C4131 of No.79 Squadron RAF during June 1918, as flown by Capt. Frederic Ives Lord. Background: Frederic Ives Lord was born on the 18th of April 18, 1897 in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA. His parents were Alma Mueller and Alman Ivory Lord. He had two siblings, Lucia Lord and Zayda Lord. By 1910 he was living with his maternal grandparents Lena Fred Mueller. By 1917 he and his mother and siblings were living in Houston, Texas USA. By 1920 his mother was a widow. World War One: One version is that he enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1917, but was discharged from the 3rd Texas Infantry when it was discovered that he was only 17 years old. However, in 1917, he would have been 20. Whatever the reason, he went to Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where he joined the Royal Flying Corps. He had to renounce his American citizenship on May 25, 1917 as follows: “I was born in the town of Manitowoc in the state of Wisconsin, one of the United States of America. I have come to the city of Toronto from Houston, Texas, for the express purpose of enlisting and entering the Royal Flying Corps of the Canadian Army for service overseas. And I do hereby solemnly declare my purpose and intention to become a British subject and I do hereby renounce my citizenship as a Citizen of the United States of America.” After completing his training in England, he joined No.79 Squadron in France. The squadron had been formed at Gosport in August 1917 and was posted to France in February 1918, equipped with the Sopwith 5F.1 ‘Dolphin’. Between May and September 1918, he was credited with a total of twelve victories and was one of four squadron pilots to achieve ace status, the others being Francis W. Gillet, Ronald Bannerman, John McNeaney and Edgar Taylor. Four of those victories were whilst fly C 4131, the subject of this model. On one notable occasion, the 27th of June 1918, as a Lt (T./Capt), he shot down an Albatros D.V as his third kill. On his return to the airfield, he saw an allied formation engaged with German scouts. He joined in and shot down a Fokker Dr.I and a second Albatros D.V. For this action he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC). He eventually became a flight commander, but was wounded in October 1918, ending his operational flying. Post World War One: Russian civil war: After being released in March 1919 from hospital (from wounds received in October 1918), volunteered for service in Russia. He was given the job of Commanding Officer of the RAF base at Pinega, in addition to flying the RE.8 aircraft operated from there. He served with RAF forces during the Allied Intervention in Russia in 1919, earning a bar to his Distinguished Flying Cross, when on the 27th of June,1919, he was piloting an RE.8 and located the position of the enemy on the Pinega River and “attacked the moving columns from a height of 200 feet with such effect that their transport was stampeded and their expected attack broke down, without any casualties being sustained by our forces." His RE.8 was found to have severe damage caused by enemy fire during this flight. Mexican revolution: Leaving the RAF in November 1919, he flew as a barnstormer and an aide to the Mexican air force during the Mexican Revolution. By 1927, he was living in New York City and was using the Chrysler Building as his address. Traveling with him was Constance, who was listed as his wife. However, by July 1937, he was married to a woman named Mildred. Spanish civil war: He flew Bréguet 19 two seater aircraft through 1936 for the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War, along with Bert Acosta and Eddie August Schneider in the Yankee Squadron. Comments made during this period: “I've had a wing fold up at a thousand feet while sitting on a dud parachute. I've been backed up against a wall looking down the rifle barrels of a firing squad. I've felt the automatic of my own commanding officer poked in my ribs. While being smuggled from Spain into France to visit my wife, I've had a speed boat pilot killed by Fascist bullets in the Bay of Biscay. I've fought half a dozen German pursuit planes in the air with an orchestra leader as a gunner. And of all places to be during a bombing raid I was there - locked up in jail - and with my wife. And these events have not been an accumulation of my war service in France, or Russia, or Mexico, but happened during the past few months while serving as a pilot with the Government forces in Spain. A Spanish pilot, Jose Galarza, bailed out from a crippled ship, during a fight, and landed safely in Franco's line. But the next day a Junker bomber droned over our field and dropped a box. It contained the chopped up cadaver of Jose. Lafayette! Pulaski! Rochambeau! Who were they? Glorious foreign volunteers who aided us in time of need. We name bridges, boats, and towns after them now. Our kids read about them in our histories and over in Spain foreign volunteers are fighting that a friendly democratic nation may survive. In most instances those volunteers came from the army of unemployed in their countries where they were without hope. In all cases they are highly skilled technical men. Their hope is a new lease on life, but the usual reward has been a nameless grave”. World War 2: During World War II, he tried to join the RAF again and it is said he got so far as to be assigned to his old No.79 Squadron before the authorities caught up with him. Instead, he joined the Air Transport Auxiliary that transported aircraft to England. On January 3, 1941, he wrote to his sister Lucia, discussing his upcoming eye surgery: “In less than a week now, I get the eye sliced up. And I know it'll be a success. Pray for me at 4pm on the tenth, will you. So here's hoping that when they take the bandages off on about the 20th, my eye will function. I just ain't got the dough for the hospital on the tenth. If can't get it, - well, then no operation as can't ask the doctor to actually fork out money for me in addition. So, sister, please see what you can do in addition to the usual ten-spot, will you please? And let me have it by Wednesday." He goes on to explain that he will soon be able to pay her back and will no longer be a financial burden to her “because a group of Chinese saw me today and want to take lessons from me and will even pay for a ship as soon as the eye is okay. Private flying, govt. jobs, city and state jobs all waiting”. Death: On the 21st of July 1967 at age 70, Frederic Ives Lord (DFC and Order of Saint Stanislas) was murdered by a vagrant in Apple Valley, California. He was buried in the cemetery at Victor Valley Memorial Park, Victorville, California. Mike
  4. Hi all, Figures done. Both are the 'Yellow House' German aviators (YH32005) set. Brush painted with 'Tamiya' acrylics, Mike
  5. Hi Kevin, Thanks but 'Master' 🥴 Back in the day I modelled other stuff. F1 cars, WW2 aircraft, Napoleonic figures etc. However, from an early age my interest was always aircraft and specifically WW1. Mike
  6. Hi all, I've represented the cover plates that were fitted over the flying wire turnbuckles at the lower wing roots. These were made from 0.2 mm thick plastic card. The raised centres were pressed out using the small 'ball' end of a paper embossing tool. Holes were punched through the plates to represent the securing bolts. Painted with 'Alclad' Duraluminium (ALC102) and weathered with 'Flory Models' Dark Dirt clay wash. That's it for the model itself. Just the figures to finish, Mike
  7. Double post 🙄 Mike
  8. Hi all, Final bits added. Observers machine and ring mounting. Windscreen, which was modified from the kit supplied as it was too large. Airspeed Anemometer added to forward, left interplane strut ('Gaspatch' with scratched photo-etch mounting). Crew steps added - made from photo-etch and 0.5 mm diameter wire. The only thing left, if it can be done satisfactorily, is to add the metal cover plates over the flying wire turnbuckles at the lower wing roots. Then it's onto the figures, Mike
  9. Hi all, A few more bits added. Propeller and spinner, exhaust pipes and flare rack. Just the windscreen, crew steps, observers gun/mount and an anemometer to fit, plus. Also, final weathering, Mike
  10. Hi all, Aileron control cables fitted. Blackened 0.4 mm diameter Brass tube and 0.08 mm diameter mono-filament, Mike
  11. Hi all, Getting close to finishing the Lloyd C.V model. Final rigging done, tail unit completed, landing gear, radiator and gun cannister fitted. Just a few bits to add - observers weapon, windscreen, crew steps, flare racks and propeller/spinner. Then it's onto the figures and display case, Mike
  12. Hi all, The pre-rigged upper wing assembly has now been fitted. I never use wing alignment rigs or jigs, but fit wings and struts by 'eye' This wing fit was easier to do most of the other models I've built. Now it's onto final rigging, Mike
  13. Hi all, The underside of the upper wing, landing gear, aileron control horns and aileron control cables have been pre-rigged. Monofilament of 0.12 mm diameter with 'Gaspatch' 1:48th scale Anchor Points and Type C turnbuckles. The rudder and elevator have been fitted to the fin and tailplanes with added photo-etch hinges. The modified ailerons have been fitted to the upper wing. Mike
  14. Hi all, The observer/gunners machine gun. I chose to replace the kit supplied 3D printed machine gun parts. I used the more refined resin ‘Schwarzlose’ 07-12 unjacketed weapon (17-32112) from ‘Gaspatch’. The ammunition drum was a spare from a previous 'Wingnut Wings' build. The kit supplied gun mount needed to be modified with a 0.4 mm diameter rod to fit the weapon to the mount firmly. 'Alclad' Gun Metal (ALC120) was airbrushed over the machine gun. 'Alclad' Steel (ALC112) was airbrushed over the ring mounting rails and lightly over the machine gun. 'Tamiya' Hull Red (XF9) was brush painted over the trigger handles. 'Tamiya' Weathering Master (Set B - Soot) was sponged around the muzzle of the barrel. Ammunition belt was brush painted with 'Tamiya' Desert Yellow (XF59), 'Mr. Colour Brass (219) and Copper (215). Mike
  15. Hi all, Just a few updates. Propeller base coated with 'Tamiya' Dark Yellow (XF60) then brushed with Windsor & Newton (Alkyd) Burnt Sienna oil paint. 'Lohner' propeller logos applied from the 'LF Models' Austro-Hungarian set then sealed with 'Alclad' Light Sheen (ALC311). Radiator assembly treated with 'Flory Models' Dark Dirt clay wash with the 'Number '7' decals (modified) from the 'Xtradecal' RAF set. 'Flory Models' Dark Dirt wash also applied to the wings, fuselage flight control surfaces and landing gear. Now it's onto pre-rigging the model before assembly, Mike
  16. Hi all, It's been a while since I updated this build. The fuselage, wings, gun cannister and landing gear axle fairing were airbrushed with 'Tamiya' Dark Yellow (XF60). The flight control surfaces were primed white. These were pre-shaded with 'Tamiya' Smoke (X19). The flight control surfaces are covered with ‘Aviattic’ Clear Doped Linen (ATT32097) decal. The wood effects were brush painted using a mix of Windsor & Newton’ Griffin (Alkyd) Vandyke Brown and Burnt Sienna. Grey areas are ‘Tamiya’ Neutral Grey (XF53) or Dark Sea Grey (XF54). Metallic surfaces are ‘Alclad’ Steel (ALC112) or 'Mr. Colour' Stainless Steel (213). Decal areas were airbrushed with 'Alclad' Aqua Gloss 600. All parts were then airbrushed with 'Alclad' Light Sheen (ALC311) in preparation for applying weathering effects, Mike
  17. Hi all, The ailerons on the upper wing can't be attached with rods as the trailing edge of the upper wing is too thin to drill. The kit supplies photo-etch 'hinges', which are flimsy and may not adhere well to an oil painted wood effect surface. Therefore, I decided to modify the hinges by cutting away the hinge arms and drilling 0.5 mm diameter holes through the body of the hinges. Brass tube of 0.4 mm diameter were inserted through the hinge bodies and holes drilled through the ailerons. The tubes were bent forwards above and below the upper wing trailing edge. Holes were drilled through the wing and the top tubes bent to fit into the holes. The underside tubes were cut to end at the wing holes on the underside. Doing this allows the ailerons to be angled on the upper wing and should provide a sturdier attachment. The aileron control horns will be fitted into 0.4 mm wide slots, drilled though the ailerons inside the photo-etch mounting plates. Now onto preparing for pre-rigging the model, Mike
  18. Hi all, The resin used for the 3D printed parts tends to be very brittle. The tail skid bracing bars need to take the weight of the model. Also, the tail skid has no integral strengthening rods or any location into the fuselage. As I wasn't sure if the bracing bars were strong enough, I replaced the rear bracing bar with 0.8 mm diameter Brass rod. This was bent at one end to fit into a drilled hole in the underside of the fuselage. Now onto how to fit the upper wing ailerons onto the wing, Mike
  19. Hi John 👍 Mike
  20. Hi all, The landing gear has been prepared now. I've added the following: 1.4 mm diameter Brass tube into the drilled through wheels to provide a more positive fit onto the integral 1.2 mm diameter axle rods. 'EZ' heavy white stretch line to represent the 'Bungee' type suspension cords. 0.4 mm diameter Nickel-Silver tube, bent and fitted to represent the axle restraining cables. Flattened 0.6 mm diameter Brass tube with integral 0.4 mm diameter Brass rod to represent the crew footstep. I've also made two crew steps from flattened 0.5 mm diameter Brass tube. These were fitted to the fuselage left side at the observer's cockpit and to the fuselage right side below the engine. Now it's onto preparing the tail skid, Mike
  21. Hi all, I've prepared the fitting of the upper and lower wings, including test fitting of the six interplane struts. I found the best way to do this was to permanently fit the lower wings first. The lower wings have only one integral locating rod and no location for the rod into the fuselage. Having only one rod meant that the wings would pivot in the fuselage, making wing alignment a problem. Also, the rod in the right lower wing is located farther rearwards than that in the left wing. Therefore, the rod would be visible inside the cockpit. I chose to cut away that rod flush to the wing root. I then drilled an extra 1.0 mm hole in the left wing root and two holes in the right wing root. Into these I secured 1.0 mm diameter Brass locating rods. The fuselage was then marked and holes drilled through the sides of the fuselage. Both wing locating rods are now not visible from inside the cockpit and the wings are positively located in the fuselage. The upper wing halves needed to be drilled for 1.0 mm diameter joining rods that locate into the two slots in the top of the fuselage cabane strut assembly. The locating holes for the six interplane struts were then drilled into, but not through their location points in the wings. The integral strut rods were cut to 2.0 mm length as they were too long. The struts were then temporarily held in their locating holes in the upper wing, which was then test fitted into the lower wings and cabane strut slots. All in all not an easy wing installation, but rigid enough when test fitted. I've also prepared the tail unit, as all of the parts have no locating rods. I've added location rods of 0.5 mm and 0.8 mm diameter Brass rods. I cut the elevators from the tailplanes in order to have them angled down slightly. Now it's onto preparing the landing gear, Mike
  22. Hi all, After closing up the fuselage I found a problem with the rear fuselage cabane struts. The two rear struts on each side were slightly bowed due to the angle they were fitted. The bottom of two struts had also cracked (3D printed and not reinforced with rods). Therefore, I cut the struts away and replaced them with shaped Brass tube and internal rod. This also makes the struts stronger for bearing the weight of the upper wing halves, Mike
  23. Hi all, I've not posted in the last few weeks, as we took a holiday abroad. The first time in three years due to the Covid restrictions etc. The four of us arrived home yesterday. Yes, you guessed it!! I have Covid, so does my wife and the wife of our friends we went with. Anyway, once we're back to normal I'll crack on with the Lloyd model. Mike
  24. Hi all, Fuselage closed up now, then and the throttle control rod added (0.4 mm Nickel-Silver tube), Mike
  25. Hi all, I'm intending to add a flare and a grenade ammunition rack. So I thought I ought to add the flare and grenade pistols to the gunners cockpit. Both 'spares' from previous 'Wingnut Wings' models. The stowage containers were made from photo-etch and 1.4 mm diameter tube. I also added a map, Mike
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