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Posts posted by Artful69

  1. I recently ordered a locally patented product for my ute ... The "Ute Barrier" from South Aust ....

    It's a cool adjustable device for dividing up the tub of the ute into compartments so that stuff doesn't roll around everywhere ... It might be a cool Idea for bigger pick up trucks in the USA also?? ... 

    It arrived today - although It might be a few days before I get time to install it ... when I do I'll post some pics ... but I have a priority on setting up the modelling bench for a serious assembly line first.



    Rog :)

    • Like 4
  2. 22 hours ago, harv said:

    Man, I wish I had your modeling budget ...harv

    lol ... I wish I had my modelling budget!!!

    22 hours ago, Bomber_County said:

    Isn’t that a fact, what’s the stash sitting at now Rog.......

    Lost count ... know I can go in the stash room and get petty much whatever I want whenever I want though :)

    • Like 2
  3. Today box number 2 arrived ...


    I had forgotten exactly what I ordered apart from these ...


    Because I wanted to depict a platoon on the march I needed a few of the same sort and as stated previously these "Blitz" kits seem to be the right kits for the job ... Decal variation for the tank numbers will be provided via a Dragon kit of the same ilk with an oversupply!! ...


    I need a Tiger for that Kursk dio (and a Pz.Kfpw.IV Ausf.G) ... But this one is not it ... The markings in THIS box are for Whittmans tiger (options are for both at Kursk and later) ... after seeing the Tiger kit Border is about to release in the not-too-distant future ... AND with the markings for 2 Kursk vehicles in the right unit (S.Pz.Abt 505) - the decision to hold on the Tiger acquisition FOR THE DIO was made ...

    This Tiger is a Rye Field Model kit that was on sale with a decent discount. As you can see ... The box is fairly chunky ... This is because the kit contains a full interior AND alternative clear parts for the upper hull and turret ... It will make a great solo display piece ... although without using the markings ...

    *** Interlude: I've never felt uncomfortable building or displaying German arms for WWII (or Japanese for that matter) ... even with the crooked black cross thing on the tailplane of aircraft or on flags draped across tanks for IFF. A military arm or weapon is just that - regardless of the regime. However I draw a line at assembling and displaying anything SS related - the politically fanatical wing of the military ... which is why this tank will be displayed without Whittmans makings when it is done. ***



    I feel that you can never have enough figurines laying about for Panzer crew or auxiliaries ... so I grabbed a couple of boxes that caught my eye. The Tamiya one has 4 complete figures and 4 torso only  :)



    Rog :)

    • Like 9
  4. The first package arrived in my Latest series of acquisitions ...


    I finally snaffled the Revel boxing of the Dragon Bf.110C ... There are some markings for a B.o.B bird (the main reason for the purchase of this kit) plus the added bonus of not having to constantly compare the Dragon instructions with the errata sheet i have on standby from the last effort.


    And then the first couple of a series of Takom kits For a "Kursk" project ... These "Blitz" kits should do the job nicely! ... 


    Three more packages inbound ... 2 are modelling related 

    Rog :)



    • Like 7
  5. On 3/7/2021 at 11:05 AM, Wumm said:

    Thank you Rog,

    Some more to consider when going through the highlighted page...

    I'll run through some of the symbols and their meanings. The 3rd Panzer Regiment lists the tanks under their control in descending order; Total, Ready for action, Under minor repair and Under major overhaul (14 days). Then the types are listed...  The individual Ausf types are not referred to, only the barrel calibre ( K for 'Kurz' (short), L for 'Lang' (long) and 7.5. I'm afraid that I'm not fully up to speed on German Tanks, but hopefully this will give you a guide. I mentioned earlier that they showed 3 Armoured Cars at the end; my apologies, I took 'Bef.Wg.' to mean 'Bewaffenwagen', when of course this should have been 'Befehlswagen' - Command Tanks. This should make them Pz. IV Ausf.J's I believe? If you wish to model one, their Command Tanks were numbered '601' and '602' for example for 6. Kompanie.


    So, the day before the Battle, the II Corps of the 3rd Panzer Regiment had 87 serviceable Tanks, 3 of them dedicated Command Tanks and no short barrel variants.

    Some of the information appears to have come from the recollections of a member of the 8th Kompanie, Lt. Seinecke who was the Commander of Tank 811. As such, further down the page we have a fairly detailed list of the Men of 8 Komp., along with the Officers and other staff of the other 3. The breakdown of the Tank types is hand written here inside the Kompanie sections (within the red rectangle), but unfortunately it appears not clear enough to be read. But what it does show, is that there was a mix of different types in each Kompanie. So I would go with the kit suggestions as having different types operating within 6. Kompanie.


    Also shown opposite in the OoB, is that  the I Corps Tank symbols are vacant... ie, the entire 2nd Panzer Division went into arguably the largest Tank battle ever staged with only 87 serviceable Tanks! 

    No wonder they were happy to see the 505th Tigers!


    Steve ...

    Once again ... thanks for the translated info ... and now I can decipher some of it for you ...

    III-k will be referring to the earlier model short barrelled KwK 38 50mm / L-42 ... a mistake made by the armaments department which began and ended with the early Ausf.J - though retrofitted to some Ausf F, G & H models as well ... Long outdated, this will account for the small numbers making up a divisions strength

    III-l will be referring to the later long barrelled KwK 39 50mm / L-60 ... The weapon originally requested of the ministry for arms production for all Pz.III's ... and was fitted to all Later Ausf.J's and then K, L and M variants ... 

    III-7.5 is referring to the Ausf.N - the final iteration of the Panzer III - which was basically an Ausf.L or M with the main armament swapped out for same short barrelled KwK 37 75mm / L-24 that the Pz.Kpfw.IV used at the beginning of the war - and finally replacing the IV in the infantry support role ... So in fact, these are the NEW short barrelled variant being used.

    IV-k will be referring to the earlier model short barrelled KwK 37 75mm / L-24 ... leftovers from the Ausf.D through F1 variants ... long outdated and again will account for the small numbers making up a divisions strength here.

    IV-l represents the longer barrelled high velocity KwK 40 75mm / L-43 of the Ausf.F2 & G variants used during the campaign (easily distinguishable by the type of muzzle break used) ... Later versions of the Pz.Kpfw.IV (Ausf.H and G) would upgrade to the KwK 40 75mm / L-48 which would improve velocity, range, accuracy and penetrative capabilities - though still nowhere near a potent as the KwK 42 75mm / L-70 of the Panther.

    ** Insert Edit here!! ... Upon further research it appears that the L-48 upgrades began in March of 1943 and some of the Ausf.G variants present during the campaign were equiped with these ... although which ones, I have no idea! **

    In short though ... The info provided (along with the translation) tells me all I'll need really ... In 3.Rgt Panzer Platoons seem to be made up of 4 tanks ... The Panzer III Ausf.M's then to stick together in traditional MBT formations in tanks 1-4 whereas the Ausf.N's and Panzer IV Ausf.G's seem to be a mixed bunch ...

    I still haven't found any direct evidence of Sd.Kfz.252's attached directly to these companies - even though we knew there must have been - so I have no idea which variant and what markings ... yet ...

    Rog :)


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  6. 21 hours ago, Wumm said:

    Rog, let me first state (as is often the case)...

    "The Fog of War".

    Now that's out of the way...

    Indeed; the section that you have circled indicates the Heeres 2nd Panzer Division, which was in part made up of the 3rd Panzer Regiment along with separate Infantry, FlaK Reconnaissance and Maintenance units that an Army in battle would require. Immediately underneath in the Order of Battle is the 6th Infantry Division... Note that there is no 'Tank' symbol attached here, more in a minute on that.

    Searches I've conducted seem to indicate (as does your illustration) that the Pz. Abt. 505 were notionally attached to the 21st Panzer Brigade under Zorn's 46th Corps. Indeed, several sources have them in action in support of the neighbouring 909th Stügs. This would still see them operating in the immediate vicinity of other units during the same Offensive conducted by the 9th Army, especially at the beginning before the situation becomes more confused.

    However... Other references point to the 505th having directly supported the 6th Infantry, especially on the 5th of July. This would make sense, as the 6th Infantry seem to have no Armoured support according to the OoB from the day previous. 

    This though for me is the clincher... The link I included in my previous post has a page from the 3rd Panzer Regiment's War diary, specifically noting on the 5th of July


    "The Tiger Abteilung 'Sauvant' tore forward to attack..."

    The Commander of the Pz. Abt. 505 at Zitadelle was one Major Bernhard Sauvant, who won the Ritterkreuz at Stalingrad for decisive actions, and later the Oak Leaves at Kursk. This points to a man and Unit known by reputation, but perhaps not by number. Either way, with the 505th in full view of the 3rd Panzer Regiment on at least the 5th of July, I would have no problem seeing Tanks of both Units operating together in a diorama setting.



    ... And you sir - are a steely eyed missile man! :respect:

    That is one great bit of research Steve ... I mean - I honestly spent about 5-6 hours on and off trying different searches on Google to try to find out info - Trying "Pz.Abt 505 Kursk 1943" I got not much at all - except for about 3 pictures and a bit of info about the Heavy detachments at Kursk in general (apparently the 505th suffered less casualties / equipment losses than most of the others) ...

    One decent thing that MY research netted ... I'll be buying and using the new Border Tiger.I kit when it makes an appearance here ... From the MBK review, in the instruction sheet it has 2 markings in the kit for 505 at kursk - none of the other kits to hand have any for the 505th and the Border kit looks to be super!

    Also ... You provided a LINK in your first post ... and my dumbass brain somehow interpreted that as ordinary, underlined text - for whatever insane reason :huh::huh::huh:

    So I've bookmarked the link ... and I'll actually LOOK at the info you've given me a link to ... a little later today.

    I'm thinking of starting this one up as a WIP too ... input will be most welcome - And I promise to actually LOOK at links in future!

    Rog :)


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    • Thanks 1
  7. You can tell I've been away for a loooooooong time when I had to read this thread through from start to finish to catch up on the news - Big shout out to Fran for starting the thread ... a whole bunch of news and opinions condensed down to 5 pages so far ... Lovely!

    So now I'll throw in my 2 cents ... I'm waiting for that Whirlwind!! Of the advertised lot here, the P.40 is the standout for me ... as long as GWH are accurate - otherwise I'll stick with Hasegawa ... The Gladiator looks great also ...

    I don't know if Infinity will have their 1/32 Val out this year but I'll be in for one of those.

    Border look to be producing some AWESOME 1/35 Armour kits so far ... but with only a few (good to excellent btw) build reviews around the place I can only say that they LOOK accurate and like they'd go together well ... I honestly don't know how well Aircraft will sell in 1/35 - but I will say that if they are anything like their armour counterparts at least they should be detailed and accurate ... perhaps Border are already creating airfield vehicles and dio stuff in 1/35 that will suit them them?? ... I don't have any issues with 1/35 A/C ... I won't be buying them though!

    What I WILL be buying - as soon as the suckers are released here - Is their new Tiger I (Early) ... Just had a walk through the sprues with MBK and it is delicious!!

    I've said this elsewhere ... Tamiya really cemented 1/35 scale a while back smashing out 3-5 kits per year ... but when Dragon came along producing sometimes 5-8 different kits every MONTH they COULD have swapped it over to 1/32 easily and everyone would have followed suit ... they didn't - so we're stuck with 2 different scales. 

    I'm about to go on an expedition into the world of Takom Blitz kits ... they are decently priced, look like they are accurate, have lovely detail and are a relatively simple build with link and length tracks as opposed to those rubber band things (ugh!). I don't care how detailed the DS tracks were for Dragon - in my mind they were a step backwards from Magic Track ... I suppose this Neo (link and length) stuff is a good compromise?? 

    Anyway ... Kits I'm miffed are not here are:

    Trumpeters 1:16 Pz.Kfpw.III Ausf.M and StuG.III Ausf.G

    HGW's 1/32 A-20G Havoc

    HK's 1/32 Ju.52

    and can SOMEONE ... from SOMEWHERE - even Trumpeter/HobbyBoss (JUST KIDDING!!)  ... PLEASE kit a 1/32 Do.17z with BoB markings ...

    Rog :)

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  8. 23 hours ago, Wumm said:

    Hi Rog...

    According to this site, 2 Pz.Div / 3 Pz.Rgt had a mix of Panzer II, III and IV on strength just before the start of Unternehmen Zitadelle, with 84 ready to commit to action.

    Steve ...

    I just dug this up a little while ago ...

    This (of course) does not list the combat strength of various divisions and units but it DOES give a listing of units under their various commands ...

    Does the circled section indicate the 2nd Panzer division ... and if so ... would they have been likely to encounter vehicles such as the Tigers of the 505th listed below and in the column to the left?


    Rog :)

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Wumm said:

    Hi Rog...

    According to this site, 2 Pz.Div / 3 Pz.Rgt had a mix of Panzer II, III and IV on strength just before the start of Unternehmen Zitadelle, with 84 ready to commit to action.

    Also mentioned at the end of the table, "Bef.Wg" X 3, which are possibly Sd.Kfz.234 or similar armoured cars. Those would be separate from those contained within the 5th Panzer Reconnaissance Btn (also part of the 2nd Division), which would have its own separate vehicles.

    Period photos show the usual mix of RSO, Stüg, and Sd.Kfz.252 of the Regiments usually incumbent with a Panzer Division. If you google "Bundesarchiv + Russland + July + 1943" or along with a PK photographer's name such as "Dreyer" you will find a nice selection of ambient shots to work from.


    W.O.W ...

    Thanks for digging THAT lot up ... I didn't find anything like that during my hours looking online yesterday ... I don't know how you distilled that info from the text provided ... but you're a champ for doing so!!

    I'll definitely go hunting around using the search parameters you've given me ... At the moment though I'm trying to work out unit organisation ... and it's like finding a needle in a haystack.

    My Pz.III.M kit directs for markings for any of 5 or 6 Kompanie's AFV's in 3.Rgt ... Yet unless they mixed them up with other variants - that can't be so because both the Pz.III Ausf.N and Pz.IV Ausf.G have markings depicting vehicles in 6 Kompanie ... :huh:


    All the Dragon kits I have to hand at the moment have the appropriate decals 2x Pz.IV Ausf.G (one with Magic Track ... One with DS) ... The Pz.III Ausf.N has Magic Track ... and although the Pz.III Ausf.M kit has DS only - it DOES contain surplus white numerals which will come in handy for other M kits.

    I'm about to pull the trigger on a couple of the Takom Blitz Kits which should be more than suffice ... I doubt I'll need heavy interior detail with figurines poking out of every available open orifice and the link-and-length track style is MUCH better than DS I think ...  I figure 4x III.M's, 2x III.N's and a IV.G ... If I can identify a specific Späh vehicle I'll throw that one in to the mix as well ...

    I might need to get additional solid white decals in the correct font and a wider selection of panzer crew figurines ...

    Thanks again!

    Rog :)


    • Like 2
  10. Assistance required ...

    So ... I'm wanting to create a Kursk On-The-March style Dio ... similar to the B&W photo below ...


    And before you correct me on markings ... YES, I know this is a different division ... I'm just using the photo as an example of the type of scenery I was wanting to create.

    The closest info I can find for what I want ... as per the below photos ...



    According to the Dragon Pz.III.M kit I have the insignia is from the 2.Pz Div (white trident looking marking no.2 on the decal sheet), the coat of arms on the turret schürzen is from Rgt.3 (shield marking no.1 on the decal sheet) and the solid white Panzer ID numbers (marked A on the decal sheet)

    Now ... aparently, at Kursk, There was a whole bunch of Pz.III.M's, N's, Pz.IV.G's sporting that Shield emblem ... and I what I need to know is: How were the regiments made up ... where the Kompanie's mixed III.M's and N's and IV.G's or just 4 or 5 tanks of one sort?? What was the organisation ... Where these 3 types the only ones or did they include StuG's, Panthers or Tigers alongside?? ... 

    What I might also need is a acquire additional white numbers, shields and or 2nd Panzer insignia

    TIA for any assistance ...

    Rog :)

    • Like 2
  11. On 11/21/2020 at 5:26 AM, BlrwestSiR said:

    Here we go!



    Ok ... Gotta ask ... Is this your first Border Model kit ... and how does the detail/fit/finish compared with Dragon, Takom, Meng etc ... I have to be honest ... I've considered pulling the trigger on some of these newer kits with the separate track links ... I've gone off Dragon since they ditched Magic Track in favour of those rubber band things.

    Rog :)

    • Like 3
  12. On 1/21/2021 at 9:25 AM, BlrwestSiR said:

    For me, this is an easy one. My Max Factory VF-1S Strike Valkyrie:

    IMG_20191011_142520-600x450.jpg IMG_20191011_142706-600x450.jpg

    Swoon over that kit!!! ... another Macross lover :) ...

    Now if I could only get my hands on an SBY 2199 in 1/200 ... with Falcons/Seagulls etc ... that would make my year!!

    ... and probably be the biggest box in my stash ... as it is it'll be a toss up between the HK heavies, the Airfix 1/24 Mosquito or the Trumpeter 1/16 Panther ...

    Don't have time to measure them ...

    Rog :)

    • Like 3
  13. Ok ... I'll bite ... all in 1/32 of course ...

    - A Dornier Do.17z

    - A Junkers Ju.52

    - A new tooled and accurate Mk.Ia/b Spitfire ... by either Tamiya or ZM

    - Same for the Mk.Vb

    - An accurate Bf.109.G-6 (although I think ZM has one in the works - It'd be nice if Tamiya upscaled their excellent 1/48 version)

    - The FLY Model Hurricanes are lovely ... but I'd like a Tamiya or ZM one .. Mk.I of course.

    - A.20 Havoc ... HpH were doing one in resin, then it was going to be HGW ... then it was going to be plastic ... and now it's vapourware!!

    - A Boulton Paul Defiant

    - A Vickers Wellington

    - A New tool Beaufighter

    Rog :)


    • Like 5
  14. 22 hours ago, Jeff said:

    That's awesome Rog, the exhaust looks like Corsa? I have Corsa on my Corvette, and I put a high perf cold air intake on my Tahoe as well as Borla Exhaust........... like you say, the sound is fabulous, and performance is a LOT better ! My fuel consumption got better actually... as long as I keep my foot out of it.. :rolleyes:  I'm very happy for you.... the new set looks gorgeous, and the finish on the tips is really smooth..... I keep the inside of my tips on my Corvette with the use of a Power Ball, some good chrome polish and a wipe with a micro fiber cloth, they shine all the time....

    Corvette ... swoon!

    Is that the set up that was designed to win Le-Mans?? 

    The exhaust - headers (1 & 3/4 primary's in a 3' collector) and hi-flow cats included was AUD $1599 from a local called Empire Performance ...  Designed by the guy who does the dyno tuning specifically to fit the Holden Commodore - it's a modular stainless steel unit. The VCM OTR intake complete with blanking panels was $575 ... It has a K&N panel filter ... OTR systems were specially designed here for the Holden Commodore (exported there as a Chev SS) by a number of companies ... My Auto Tech didn't like them because engines that he'd rebuilt had filth all through the intake manifold. He suggested the pod filter set up (again K&N) which was designed for the previous model (Exported there as a Pontiac G8). I searched forever and couldn't find one in stock and was eventually advised by K&N Australia that we wouldn't be getting any more into the country.

    Mitch, from WA Performance - who has been working on Holden/GM products for over 30 years - and who was used by Empire to do the post mod tune said that the first OTR models didn't pinch the filter tight enough or the casing expanded in the heat and let too much unfiltered air through and that was the likely reason for my Auto Techs aversion to them. He said the second Iteration of the VCM was much better all round but suggested I clean the filter panel every 2-3000 Km's anyway ... so with that in mind, I bought a spare - so I can wash, dry and re-oil at my leisure :)

    I'll have to keep your tip handy for cleaning my ... tips!! 

    Rog :)

    • Like 3
  15. 4 minutes ago, BlrwestSiR said:

    Nice! The 90hp bump is 30 more than my engine makes stock. Guess I won't be winning any drag races against you. Lol. 



    Actually I'm no hoon ... so it won't be sideways round any corners soon ...

    BUT the thing drives so much less restricted ... the sound is to die for - expecially cold starts in the morning! ... and I'm averaging 1L/100Kms less in fuel consumption.

    I can't wait to get the videos edited for the Tube ...

    Rog :)

    • Like 5
  16. 8 minutes ago, harv said:

    No pics....harv

    yeah ... for whatever reason the URLs wouldn't take from Imgur ... I could of directly uploaded but it takes F.O.R.E.V.E.R ... I found a workaround to fix ... but its a pain in the sphincter ... still quicker than a direct upload tho!!

    Rog :)

    • Like 3
  17. On December 2 & 3 my ute went in for some minor performance modifications ...

    Intake ... and exhaust ...











    As you can see the results are impressive ... I'm told that HP at the rear wheels is indicative of Kw at the fly wheel ... Stock ... the ute made 270Kw at the fly wheel ... which would have been about 270HP at the rear wheels so a 90HP gain from an OTR (with MAF retained), engine back free flow exhaust ... and a tune not bad eh? ... Thats's a 1/3 power gain.

    Rog :)



    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  18. Im sure its a good rivalry ... Hard fought and intense ... but quickly laid aside when enemies arrive ...

    Like ANZACS ... We give the Kiwis heaps (and it's returned!!) but they are our brothers in blood in the fight.

    My AFL football team (Adelaide Crows) song is played to the Marine Corps Hymn ... "The Pride of South Australia" ...

    Dad was often found whistling Colonel Bogey when I was growing up ... decades long after leaving the BEF.

    Rog :)

    • Like 3
  19. On 11/7/2020 at 1:29 PM, Wumm said:

    Unsure of whether the Brisbane branch of the Neo Nazis are being forced to moonlight on weekends..

    Or whether Uber have just gone full Fascist now.


    Gotta raise party funds somehow ... probably hard to do with aryan passengers only ...

    Rog :)

    • Like 2
    • Haha 3
  20. On 10/26/2020 at 3:29 AM, BlrwestSiR said:

    "You must think in Russian"...


    A bit on the tiny side but it's the only readily available kit I know of the Mig-31.


    I also picked up some reference materials ...



    I remember watching the Firefox movie ... Clint Eastwood - should have stuck with spaghetti westerns lol ...

    I've thought about collecting the concept note for all of the ZM kits ... what it like?

    Rog :)

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