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Posts posted by harv

  1. My brother a year younger than I, passed last year. Now I have a sister who is 15 yrs younger than me ( I'm the oldest) and a brother 7 yrs younger left. The brother and I don't talk. Painful experience sorting the will after my parents passed. His wife keeps his "gems" in her purse ,if you know what I mean... Yes,I am thankful for me and my dads relationship. And my mom was THE worlds worrier ! She worried about everything. Drove my dad and us nuts.



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  2. I'm sorry Martin. I hope your life here is much better my friend .  

    My father and me(actually all 5 of us kids) never had a great relationship growing up. Not that he didn't love us, just a busy navy man. But when my youngest brother died 17 yrs ago, he changed, well all of us did. He was much more involved in all of our lives, hugged more talked more.it was after that that our relationship changed. Then, after my mom died our relationship became the one I always wanted. Then a year after mom he passed. He never was a selfish person thank goodness.  Ok, enough of that......


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