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Posts posted by harv

  1. Exterior detail is good. Cent see much in the wheel wells. If loading the bombs, you won't see much there either. The pit is an open canvas. Although you can't see much, more detail there helps because of all the glass. I think most of my effort will be spent on weathering the outside. My .02 cents....... Harv

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  2. 2 hours ago, Peterpools said:


    Right to the heart of the issue and thank goodness LSM always us to 'gentlemanly' discuss such a post. Speaking for myself, I left after nearly ten, very active years; my reasons were rather simple: I wasn't going to tolerate how my friends were being treated or spoken to and remain a member. Add in a gem of a PM I received form an admin, I couldn't walk away fast enough, slamming the door behind me.

    LSM has been like going back in time, when model building, building friendships and hanger flying was the focus of our attention. As that sank below the horizon, it became apparent, it was time to move on

    Peter ^_^

    Wow Peter, exactly what I was thinking. Could not of said it better. I guess sick minds do think alike...... Harv

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  3. 1 hour ago, MARU 5137 said:

    WHOA !! 9 pages..:omg:

    Harvey Dearest Friend... this is longer than your WIP threads ..  :banned::popo:


    Just teasing ya..:secret:


    Love ya really.:ph34r:   :wub:



    Thank you my dear sweet friend ! What a ride..... Harv

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