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Status Replies posted by HubertB

  1. Did you ever 3D the 1/24 Jr. wasp for the DHC-2 beaver  ?  I'm starting this kit and talked to Ron and he said to contact you.  Thanks Tom

    1. HubertB


      Just le me know if you want something, files, or printed parts. Given an .stl file is heavy, I could also send you a slicer file, if I know the printer and settings you use.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Did you ever 3D the 1/24 Jr. wasp for the DHC-2 beaver  ?  I'm starting this kit and talked to Ron and he said to contact you.  Thanks Tom

    1. HubertB


      I just posted on Ron’s thread. Yes, I have done some 1/24 printing trials. Although designed in 1/32, the level of detail is high enough to withstand the rescaling to 1/24.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Did you ever 3D the 1/24 Jr. wasp for the DHC-2 beaver  ?  I'm starting this kit and talked to Ron and he said to contact you.  Thanks Tom

    1. HubertB


      I just posted on Ron’s thread. Yes, I have done some 1/24 printing trials. Although designed in 1/32, the level of detail is high enough to withstand the rescaling to 1/24.


      PS: btw, the design is without the exhausts (too many variations), the pushrods (because it is easier to use wire of the right diameter), and the oil pipes between the cylinders (again, easy to scratch)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Well said.  It mirrors my thinking but with facts. What do you read to learn this stuff?

    1. HubertB


      Thanks. I just scan the net, but I apply Socrates' concept of critical thinking and querying (see ? politics again ;) ).

      I avoid the sites which are obviously linked to the conflicting parties, like all the .ua or .ru ones. I also read other posts on the same source, about other subjects, to get a 'feel" for the spirit of the site and their "standard" bias.

      Then it's about recouping information.

      As for reading, it's always been my favorite pastime, but it impinges on my modelling time :)

      Thanks again


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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