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  1. The clues were there in the names of those concerned apart from anything else. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/munter And Jason Burns was just too much of a coincidence.
  2. Looks good to me - thanks for posting.
  3. Thank you for the welcome, and done
  4. Hi all, It's been suggested that I start a thread about Mustang designations, so here is what I have. I've omitted mention of the A-36, as I don't think this variant was ever named in the series by we Brits, we didn't use them, but borrowed a few for trials I believe. British US Fighter US Recce Mk I None None Mk Ia P-51 F-6A Mk II P-51A F-6B Mk III P-51B & P-51C F-6C Mk IV P-51D F-6D Mk IVa P-51K F-6K Confusing isn't it? (But not quite as confusing as Bf 109G variants perhaps ) Note how although the US P-51(no suffix) is equivalent to the Mustang Ia, as there was no use of the Mk I by the US. But the FR P-51 was the F-6A. Even more confusing, but logical given the preceding, is that Mk II = P-51A = F-6B, as F-6A had been already allocated. Just for completeness, the Mk III did not differentiate between P-51B and C, and nor does the F-6C designation. Which brings us to the Mk IV/P-51D/F-6D and IVa/P-51K/F-6K - It's almost as if someone said "We need to sort this out!" Main references: Allison-engined P-51 Mustang https://ospreypublishing.com/uk/search/?q=Allison-Engined+P-51+Mustang The Mustang Story https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mustang-Story-Ken-Delve/dp/1854092596 Comments welcome, and hope this is of use.
  5. Sorry to be be picky, but that's a Mustang Mk Ia with the 20mms - there was no direct US equivalent to the Mustang Mk I. (Yes I know it's confusing, especially as the FR equivalent of the P-51/Mustang Ia is the F-6A.)
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