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Everything posted by nick32

  1. Thanks guys. Done a bit more this morning, but not really anything worthwhile to show yet. Like most WW1 kits the cockpit is very involved, with lots of painting. Trying to think ahead and do most of the painting while on the sprue but its gonna take some time!
  2. I've unexpectedly gained some free time over the next couple of weeks, and rather than waste it i thought i would do something useful, dig around in the stash and start another build. Top of the pile was CSM's lovely Nieuport 17. Although not my first WW1 build (WNW's Junkers D1 got there first), this will be my first build with rigging. Although i've been a member here for a while i've not contributed very much, so thought i would document this build here, and hopefully get some pointers along the way - I know the rigging (although quite simple for this one) will test me.... So first the very nice box art Lifting the lid reveals another sturdy main box 4 marking options, i'm not sure yet which one i will choose The instruction booklet is very very nice I havent photographed much of the the sprues, but take my word for it the moulding is superb, there is a tiny bit of flash here and there but nothing that wont be sorted with 2 seconds of a sanding stick. First job was to start with the cockpit. Lots of detail here to be added so i'm expecting this first part of the build to take some time. Mig Ammo New Wood sprayed on And then once dry i started with the oils, i really enjoy this part, very therapeutic! Although i dont like waiting for it to dry so much.. That's pretty much where i'm at, i have done the cockpit framing too but forgot to take any pics of that. Will crack on again tomorrow! So far i'm very pleased with this kit, seems to pretty much be on a par with WNW, lets see how it builds up! I did have to give the sprues a wash though, there was a very fine film of something on them, i'm guessing release agent from the moulding. No bother though! Thanks for looking!
  3. Nice work, and good to hear you are on the mend. I'm just finishing up my D1 build, first Wingnut kit i have built and i can see now why people rave about them. I've since added 2 more to the stash, with (i'm sure) more to come.
  4. Fantastic. Greatest feat of lsm i've ever seen. i would love to have the patience/skill/money to build one so thankyou for sharing it with us.
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