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    Ottawa, Canada
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  1. I suspect that half or more of the purchasers of this kit will speculators and collectors expecting that someday their newfound treasure will be worth something more than what they paid for it; they may even buy more than one. Too big for my tastes but more than that, just too pricey. cheers, Graham
  2. There are a lot of young men and women getting into model building, it is just not what you and I think of model building. Gunpla ( Gundam Plastic ) Warhammer, and similar are attracting many new modelers. Have a look around outside of your typical interest area and you might be surprised. The hobby isn't dying or dead, it is just changing cheers, Graham
  3. Don't forget the snow shoes, thank you kindly. cheers, Graham
  4. Wow, what an interesting book. I always struggle with painting but with many years of practice I am getting better but no where near in this league. I tried figure painting years ago. Got a book by Shep Paine and another one but forget who wrote it - he was a very well known armour modeller and his book was much better than the Shep Paine book. In any case, tried it, had some small successes but ended up putting that aspect of the hobby aside. Seems the interest in Gunpla, Gundam, and fantasy like stuff has re-invigorated this aspect of the hobby and that is interesting to see. But, I checked the price, at 75 Euro by the time I got the book in my hands in Canada it would have cost me $150 ! Even at an even dollar to Euro exchange it would still be too much for me. cheers, Graham
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