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Everything posted by Dirk

  1. The Su-25 got my attention after viewing some footage of an Ukranian Airshow. The A-7 II is something I was looking for the last months. But this one had a reasonable price. Just like the the F-22 from I Love Kit. A friend owed me a favor and this is it. I don´t know if its worth the retail prize. But after the first look, there is not much thats better than the Hasegawa kit. Except the ammo.
  2. That looks great!! I wanted to to a 1/32 P-51 racer. I have the kit and the decals. Maybe I will start it this year.
  3. After a holiday break I am back at the bench. Worked on the wheel wells and added more details. The wireing will start tomorrow. Intakes are going to be displayed open. And a comparison of the new "I love Kit" F-22A 1/48 and the Mig-29 1/29
  4. I will display the intakes open.
  5. I came to the conclusion to add intake covers. I can´t figure out how these parts fit in the intakes. Its a puzzle.
  6. Working on the interior of the landing gear bays. With the help of this book.
  7. Two years I was able to keep that virus on distance. Last week it got me. Symptoms were like a heavy flu. They came suddenly and after three days they were gone. But I still have headaches and since yesterday my eyes start hurting after 10 min when concentrating. Not good. But my workbench is cleaned and the Mig is waiting to be finished.
  8. Thats the reference photo
  9. Thanks Anthony. I worked 10 months on it. Nervwrecking at some points. The kit itself is good. But what I planned with those raised rivets an extra details...I wouldn´t do it again. Painting it was the most fun.
  10. Thank you Clunkmeister. I know, that there are some incorrections with the Trumpeter kit. But I will not adress them. Its all about having fun.
  11. And here my last Tank. Its a T-80U with the South Korean Army. The kit is from RPG
  12. New to the LSM Forum. Here my last airplane kit I finished 3 1/2 years ago. Since a few days ago, I had lost my mojo. I gave it a special treatment. Raised rivets from Archer. Dirk
  13. Ejection seat plus cockpit is finished. These are the photos I took 3 years ago. Before I post new ones, I need to get rid of the dust on the parts. Front landing gear is nearly complete. I don´t know, if I will keep this high level of details for the rest of the kit. After nearly a 2 year break (lost my mojo completely) I try to get back .
  14. Hi, I thought I was already a member here, but I wasn`t. Too long ago, that I used forums fpr posting my stuff. I enter this comp with my started (less than 25%) Trumpeter kit. Colors are going to be like this: Here is the aftermarket stuff I got. The Zacto nozzels are also somewhere in my stash. I need to search them. The next posts will include the finished cockpit. Regards Dirk
  15. I enter this competition with my Mig-29C 1/32 Trumpeter. After I finished the cockpit 3 years ago, the kit was put aside. But this is a good time to finish it with Ukranian decals.
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