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  1. Finally Star Wars has made it in here too... good. Gooooood :-) This is going to be a stunner for sure with your weathering skills Pete. Will watch this closely (while building the Chickenwalker AT-ST from Bandai...) Cheers, Jerry
  2. Hey Pete! Ausgezeichnet!!! Another lesson of weathering porn... äh... art. Wow. Attention to detail Ralph Riese Style. Cheers Jerry
  3. Wow! Nice Jug(s)! Excellent work so far! I just love the look of this giant fighterbomber. I really like the bomb surface and the work you invested in the Launchers. This makes a difference. To bad you didnt rivet this baby, with Alclad NMF on this really rocks. I did this some year ago with my Hase Jug: You dont have to spray the nose first. Just apply alclad and half an hour later you can apply the next color over it. Just polish it first to eliminate possible flat spray residues. I really wont worry about alclad itself - if applied to a propper base. I just hate the alclad black base. It didnt cure for 3 weeks and finally i had a fully cracked finish on a F-86D 1 week after finishing it. Since this happened i only use gloss black acrylics for this purpose... or just applying it on the bare plastic. Hase Plastic bonds good with aclad, as Tamiya does. Well, maybe i did something wrong while applying the black base from alcad, but I wont use it again until I try it on a sparepart ;-) Cheers from Austria Jerry
  4. You wont see much of it anymore after all, but from my point of view the grey´s could need some more color variations (Seat, Sidewalls) Easy achivied throught some decent point Washes/Filtering with oils. Or add some scratches with German Grey/dark grey acrylic colors (AK/Vallejo). Floor wash with sand/earth colored pigments. Have to get back in business myself, so better dont listen to me ;-) Cheers, Jerry
  5. Another Lesson from the Master of Colors and Weathering. You make it look so easy to blend the different colors together to form such an natural looking surface. Watch and learn. Still getting no Testors Dullcote Laquer in our shops here. Have to stick with Gunze Flatbase - But I think its not the product, its the knowledge ;-) Do you mix some of the basecolors with the Dullcote to blend it in? Great work, it is a pleasure to watch your progress posts. Greetings from Austria to Australia. Jerry
  6. Nice start. Do you plan to give the pit some washings? Looking forward to see more of your "Reichsgeier" ;-) Liebe Grüsse Jerry
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