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  1. Hello guys! I was really counting for "definitive" model of this plane (like GWH P-40) but what we get is not jaw dropping. Correct kit, not hard to put together, with very plain surface (and ugly tail moving parts which I corrected). Still this is new quality level comparing to PCM or CenturyToys. Building process
  2. Thank you guys! Thank you DocRob! There is only one kit in plastic PZL P.11c from polish company IBG :). Yea 3D printing is outstanding and anyone can now made its own kits its pricy for normal modeller bo not even close to plastic injection costs.
  3. Thanks Dernnis, this isn't shake and bake kit but finished looks very "Juggish" Good luck with yours! Martin, big thanks!
  4. Hi guys! That's my freshly finished PZL P.7A. It offers superb surface, nice engine and fine details but working with it requires other glues (I used CA and 2 part glue when I need to have more time), material is prone to breaking so you must be careful (I can compare it to resin). What can I say, 3D printing has a bright future in our hobby. Machine was belonging to lieutenant Erwin Kawnik, in 1 September 1939 he had his part in taking down He-111(code number L1+KN) and damaging other (L1+HN). In afternoon same day he was fighting with Bf 110 from 2.(Z)/LG1. Despite damages (plane was barely controlable) he menaged to safely land. PZL P.7 WIP My whole 1939 collection. 109E, P.7A, P.11C experimental camo, P-11C standard light khaki with repainted white stripe.
  5. Nice work John! Did Revell wings fit well to Tamiya Fuselage?
  6. Thank you PanzerWomble I really appreciate your words!
  7. This is my most recent work. Trumpeter kit is decent (but fit is not so well) I was often suprised by small details which Trumpy preserved well. Kit offers section behind engine but it is mosty empty, I cutted one of panels and did scratch work (cables, pipes) to make it look busy. Other additions: - Eduard interior PE - Vacu canopy - details in ammo compartment - Aber gun barrels - Montex masks - cables in engine - hollowed out bazookas
  8. This D-9 was painted red with white stripes on bottom to help land anti-aircraft crews recognize german planes, this particullar Dora was used to protect Me-262 jets starting / lading on airfields . In 1945 when allies had total domination in skies they basically shoot everything they saw so this pattern could help. This plane on side has inscription which translates to "Sell my stuff, I'm going to heaven" - pilot had awareness that every flight can be his last.
  9. Hi guys! Finished few years ago. Added Yahu IP, seatbelts, Bronze Eduard Legs for Fw-190A. Kit is simple to build, not requiring tons of filler or lots of fitting. But i think that newer release with full engine and richer surface detail is needed.
  10. Thank you guys!๐Ÿ˜€ Thanks! I'm not a fan of later versions so night Corsair is a good idea for making Birdcage once again. Thank you John, yes Tamiya is producing masterpieces. Sadly they don't love 32 anymore ๐Ÿ˜’
  11. Very nice job! Soon there will be P.7A from this producer and I'm grabbing it. I will use my multitool grinder to polish surface, maybe this is a solution because it can work very precisely even beetwen rivet lines.
  12. Clean but elegant warbird! Very sad thing that they gave up on making plastic.
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