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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Cleaning resin kits with Bleech White tire cleaner

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Always read about this technique of soaking 24 hours.  I’ve done it in the past with great results.  
Apparently the company sold off and they might have changed the formula.  Last night I put a batch of small parts for my Fisher Cutlass in a small container for a good soak.  
I have an issue now with the seat.  The very thin sides warped up pretty bad and are very rubbery.  I’m going to let it air dry overnight and if it firms back up, I’ll see if just some hot water will let me reshape it.  If not, I’ll be scratch building new seat sides.  
This is after massaging back for 10 min after I rinsed it off.  It was much worse than this when I first saw it.  



Be careful using this cleaner!  Maybe a quick wash after a 2-5 minute soak is all I would do now that I know this.  

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