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F4U-1 Wheels
Catalogue # 632 019
Available from Eduard for 7,10€
Bunny Fighter Club price: 6,04€


Eduard have made many after market sets for the beautiful Tamiya F4U-1 Birdcage Corsair, which will all be reviewed over the next couple of days here on LSM.


My first review covers the resin wheels designed to directly replace the wheels and rubber tyres supplied with the kit. The wheels of the kit are very detailed, but the rubber tyres are more difficult to weather than these resin replacements, then of course we must consider the difficulty of obtaining a realistic bulge on the flat spot on rubber tyres.


The set comes in Eduard's normal split bubble packaging, with the foam insets to keep everything in place. (The foam is great for replicating paint chipping, don't throw it away).




The set contains six resin parts, a set of paint masks and instructions, painting colours are called up from the Gunze range.




The outer hubs are beautifully cast. It is left to the modeller to open up the holes between the spokes, but these sections are wafer thin and will come out easily. There is an alignment peg to ensure correct radial alignment of the spokes. On my sample each outer hub part has a tiny air bubble in the centre cap, nothing a drop of Mr Surfacer won't sort out..




The inner hubs are a direct replacement for the kit parts and will fit directly onto the Tamiya undercarriage leg with no modification whatsoever, a very nice touch from Eduard.




The tyres are also beautifully cast with a bulge and tyre lettering, both absent on the rubber kit parts. Tread detail is superb.




The instructions are colour printed on both sides of one A5 sheet of paper.






This little resin set is beautifully cast and is worth every penny when you consider you get rid of those love 'em or hate 'em rubber tyres AND get tyre lettering and bulges. Recommended!!


Thanks to Eduard for supplying this great set of wheels and tyres. I will be using these and all the other Eduard sets on my online build, starting here on Large scale modeller soon.......

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