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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Posts posted by nmayhew

  1. i love the finish - your stuff is always tops in that regard!


    PCM kits in UK are either unobtainable or unobtainably expensive, so this is really the first time i have seen one of these built well, painted well and photo'd well


    one question: what is the cowling flap part(s) like? the definition looks rather vague, as i can see where some wash 'held' and in other parts it presumably got wiped away because the parts were not moulded sharp enough?


    thanks for sharing your excellent work!



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  2. what an awesome start!


    i just love research driven threads like this


    out of interest (and I suppose having Son of Sherman book I should know, but...) what identifies the tank with all the track over it as a Sherman V?


    the angle is quite shallow so you can't really (to my eye) readily see the enlarged gap between the suspension bogies...


    it is a VERY cool looking tank though!


    cheers again for a very entertaining read



  3. firstly, i have used all these sets i think apart from the props on my Dora build, and was very satisfied


    but if i am honest - and i may be flogged for saying so - the casting is indeed exactly the same standard as when these products came out many moons ago, and standards of the best in the industry have moved along since then


    now maybe the stuff is way sharper in real life than in the (admittedly excellent quality) pictures, but the casting does look a tad 'vague' compared with what Roy Sutherland and the AMUR Reaver (Russian dude 109 stuff) are producing


    i also find their stuff punishingly expensive in UK when compared to Roy's stuff of similar volume / complexity


    still, for things like the cowling and nose ring, they are the only game in town

  4. thanks Dave!

    is that thinned with Mr Levelling thinner?


    yeah i had a VERY strange occurrence with rattle can super clear gloss over mr hobby paints, over mr hobby surfacer 1500 - the gloss seemed to drag the anzer grey pain away from primer around raised surfaces eg rivets and such like


    the effect was actually pretty cool, but should in no way take place!


    i said to Jim i will try decanting into cup then airbrushing next time and see what happens - i have just spent $60 on buying loads of rattle can stuff from Seal Models


    anyway, back to your very cool 109!



  5. i couldn't resist coming back to these and looking at the pictures again


    WHAT a beauty!


    I had always thought that if ever i do get one of these monsters (the lanc is the one I am holding out for really), that it would be the upcoming F model


    however, looking at what you have produced here, I think that if budget / successful bank robberies permit, i might dive in for a G too!


    inspirational stuff

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