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Everything posted by Michaelscarborough

  1. I think the Ypres diorama is super! Really evocative and well done. Bravo. I also respect your patience in working on only one project at a time! Wish I could say the same! Cheers from NYC, MIchael
  2. If the work on the Becker is any indication, this should be quite a fine build. I look forward to it. Cheers from NYC, Michael PS Your bench reminds me of the inside of my head.
  3. Very cool.....I'm sure the Bavarians would approve. What is a the actual wingspan of the completed model? I'm trying to imagine it among my 1/32 WWI builds. Cheers from NYC, Michael
  4. Lets just say it got hot easily. To say more would cause me to lose my status as as gentleman......
  5. I dated Frank Whittle's granddaughter back in the early 70s. Imagine my amazement when, on our first date, I mentioned to her that a man named Whittle had invented the jet engine, and she replied, "he was my grandpa, Frank". Imagine my even greater amazement when she turned out to be a jet engine of another kind. I'm not making this up....but it does make me wish I could time travel. Cheers from NYC, Michael
  6. Well.....seems I am onboard here now. Glad to be able to follow the process. Cheers from NYC, Michael
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