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Everything posted by Mnemonic

  1. Porco Rosso's plane was named: Savoia s.21, which is a fictious plane in the cartoon, but it made to look similar to Macchi M.33, which was the real plane: There was some model of M.33, but nowhere to find anymore: http://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?showtopic=27269 Gibli's Savoia s.21 in 1:48 scale can be found on eBay in 2 versions (with two different engines) just like in the cartoon.
  2. Thank you Jeroen! Both are historically accurate, however I already built 3 floatplanes, and all of them have same beaching dolly model, so I decided for my next models to make something new, and make it available to other modellers as well.
  3. Alternative beaching trolley wheels for your 1:32 german seaplanes (Hansa-Brandenburg W.12 / W.29) are available to order. As usual, for pure printing cost. Kit contains 4 wheels: http://shpws.me/MzTK
  4. https://www.shapeways.com/shops/maxmnemonic Davis gun was the first true recoilless gun developed and taken into service. It was designed by Commander Cleland Davis of the US Navy, in 1910, just prior to World War I. His design connected two guns back to back, with the backwards-facing gun loaded with lead balls and grease of the same weight as the shell in the other gun, acting as a counter. His idea was used experimentally by the British and America as an anti-Zeppelin and anti-submarine weapon mounted on various flying boats and bombers. Usually a Lewis machine gun was mounted on top of the Davis gun's barrel which was then used for sighting and as an auxiliary and anti-aircraft weapon. The direct development of the gun ended with World War I, but the firing principle has been copied by later designs. Gun is available in 1:32 and 1:48 scales. 1:32 is suitable to use with Wingnut Wings Felixstowe F.2A flying boats (early and late). List of machines Davis gun was used on: - Curtiss H-16 - Curtiss HS-1L (and HS-2L) - Felixstowe flying boats - Norman Thompson N.T.4 - Handley Page 0/100 - Caudron G.IV (RNAS) Model provided with a stand (cut required stand-arm length) and 4 shells. Before painting carefully wash model in soapy water, to remove oil residue. Afterwards wash it with running water. Model can be painted with acrylics. Important - gun can come slighly bended after printing, don't worry, gently bend it by hand to make it straignt. Plastic allows certain amount of flexibility. Would be great to see your models with Davis Gun installed, so please share them!
  5. Quite cool Becker cannon! I have made 3D printed one:
  6. Thank you very much guys! I have to think about common dio
  7. Thank you guys! Yes Jeroen, it's on the border of possible now.
  8. Hello everyone, I would like to present you my first 3D printed accessory for Wingnut Wings kits - Becker 20mm Cannon 1917 (1:32) on a stand. Ready to be printed here: https://www.shapeways.com/product/6AQRF45LX/becker-20mm-cannon-1917-1-32-on-a-stand It is for free, meaning price is only for printing services on Shapeways. The Becker Type M2 20 mm cannon was a German automatic cannon developed for aircraft use during World War I by Stahlwerke Becker. It was first mass-produced in 1916 and was installed in a variety of aircraft; the only German autocannon to actually see service in the air during the war. This is 1:32 model, which is suitable to use with Wingnut Wings model kits: - Hansa Brandenburg W.12 - AEG G.IV - Gotha G.IV and others... This gun can be installed on a standard German-type gun-ring. Here are few pics: Mounted on Hansa-Brandenburg W.12: Few historical references: a bit different modification on a Gotha:
  9. Adding to my Hansa-Brandenburg collection: W.12 C2MG, Norderney, July 1918. Later during the war germans started to cover plywood floats with bituminous tar. Also on 1407 you can see a converted balkenkreuz, older variant was just overpainted. Gravity-tank was damaged and repaired - hence patch on the top wing. Model kit by Wingnut Wings, scale 1:32, figure - Kellerkind Miniaturen, additionally I added 3d printed anemometer and metal eyelets from GasPatch Models, plus scratch-built little mirror in front of the pilot, attached to a strut. Base by Zoukei Mura. Model is fully hand-painted with acrylic paints by Maxim Lysak in 2016.
  10. I did some minor fixes on the paint-job and re-made photos. Hope these looks better
  11. Thanks John! Yeah, I kinda stick to the brush, trying to master my skills.
  12. Thank you very much George! I'm happy you like it!
  13. Didn't yet get to another Hansa, but finished diorama for this one. Figures from Kellerkind Miniaturen, skratch built paint bucket and toolbox.
  14. Thank you PH-GEO!
  15. Hi guys, I'm not a frequent poster here, but looking forward to contribute more to a forum. I'm mostly fan of WW1 aircraft models in 1:32 scale, however I do love seaplanes in every scale, and here I want to share my latest model: Nakajima E8N1 in 1:48. The Nakajima E8N was a Japanese ship-borne, catapult-launched, reconnaissance seaplane of the Second Sino-Japanese War. It was a single-engine, two-seat biplane with a central main-float and underwing outriggers. During the Pacific War, it was known to the Allies by the reporting name "Dave". BI-2, was serving on Battleship Kirishima in 1938. Model kit in 1:48 from Hasegawa, colored by brush using acrylic paint.
  16. Thank you very much guys! I slowly starting on my next W.12, for the group build, I will keep you updated in that thread. cib2265 - I used Zoukei Mura base for the basis of the stand
  17. As usual - everything painted by hand using brush and acrylic paints.
  18. Recently finished W.12 C3MG. Next to W.29...
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