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  1. Having build a room from a blank basement...I feel your pain. . . and sense of triumph! What a nice transformation and a great looking place to work. Can't have too many windows to look out of.
  2. Moonshine? That stuff will kill you or make you walk funny. Need some good Kentucky Bourbon! I hope to actually spend some time in this space soon. I'm retiring on August 1st.
  3. Dave, you are welcome anytime. Come on over...bring kits!
  4. great start, Cees. Looking forward to seeing this come together.
  5. Wow, speechless. For a virtually new to the hobby person because of the time away, this is amazing work to me. You guys that tackle vacuform kits are artists.
  6. Cees, I am in Kentucky, about 20 miles or so southeast of Louisville, Ky. I am down under the bench a lot looking for things I've dropped, though.
  7. That will be nice. I know the wife appreciates having this out of the great room on a card table. With all of this, I did not account for display space, duh. I guess I'll figure something out as I finish (if I finish) things. thanks all for your kind words. Lyle.
  8. Shelves for stash. They are now overflowing. Paint area. I have pretty much used all the floor space.....
  9. My goodness, that looks nice. Excellent detailing.
  10. I'll have to take a picture tonight. full of empty shipping boxes, B-52s and all manner of crap. Even with that space, I find myself working in about 2 square feet...what is that in that funny stuff? .8 square meters? I thought I'd have all the room I'd ever need. Wrong. It is about all I could squeeze out of the basement though.
  11. Ok, I am a dunce. How does one put the images at the bottom of the post. I tried placing the cursor where I wanted and then clicking on Image and it kept pasting it at the top...) good news after you look at my grandbabies, you can see the room and skip the rest, I suppose. My grandchildren made me this. There is one more that we will go and pick up from China this fall. She is a cutie, too. After the modular piece was moved and setup. As it appeared at the indoor flea market. $100 for all of it. What it replaced. Just wasn't working. Nice bench though. room after drywalling. you can never have too many outlets. Sixteen plugs available. Bones are up. You can clearly see why I'm not a carpenter. The drywall guy later said, it was "a bit rough...". 120 sheets of drywall in the basement. You see, once we decided to put the hobby room in the basement, Well, we need to finish it off. Started with this. My room is actually 180 degrees from this pic. What we started with.
  12. Howdy, Paul. Nice haul you got there. With the addition of three Revell/Monogram B-52s and a Italeri ME-321. I am literally out of space. Looks like the rest of the basement is now fair game.
  13. I've seen fermis use guitar strings. cut them in pieces, pull the windings off and there you go.
  14. Dave, working. Those are two stunning builds. I wish I could come close to this.. maybe some day.
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