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Everything posted by Mainly28s

  1. For about the last week, I've been getting the following error when accessing LSM via the "Last Updated" short-cut: Sorry, there is a problem Something went wrong. Please try again. Error code: EX0 So now I can't see only the subject matter I've subscrribed to- I have to trawl through all the content.
  2. So a little progress. All brush-painted, no airbrush. A little more mottle might be required!
  3. To prove I'm not just a lurker- my latest attempt at modelling in 1/48th after a lengthy absence has sort of reached a reasonable place. I know it's nowhere near as good as many of the models on display here, but it satisfies my personal expectations and abilities. Sorry about the poor pictures- I promise I'll try to do better next time. I have taken a 1/48th ICM Bf 109 F-4/B, chopped it a little, and added a Jay's G-12 canopy. I still need to finish furnishing the rear office, and then it's on to painting the beast. I'm very tempted to do her in these colours: which is a recently-completed Buchon converted to G-12 standard, using an original DB605.
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