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Everything posted by sandbagger

  1. Hi all, Just a quick update. I forgot to fit the generator drive belt. To represent the generator drive belt, I cut a strip of photo-etch 1.0 mm wide, then annealed it (softened over a flame). It was then bent around a 1.8 mm diameter drill to form a semi-circle. It was then brush painted with ‘Tamiya' Rubber Black (XF18). Once dry it was secured in position around the forward shaft of the generator, with the two ends onto the round ‘pulley’ on the rear of the engine. Mike
  2. Hi all, I shouldn't build more than one model at a time!! I built the Vulcan B Mk.2 while still working on the Salmson 2-A2 model. Someone on another forum spotted that I'd placed the Vulcan's left wing roundel too far inboard and that the jet pipes should be the longer version for the 201 series engine. I can remove and replace the roundel. However, the shorter jet pipes that are currently fitted form part of the mounting for the acrylic support rods. Fortunately I kept the correct kit parts, but whether I can replace the existing jet pipes is debatable. This is a case where I didn't see the wood for the trees!! Mike
  3. Hi all, The exposed fuselage side bay is finished as far as I can. There are no drawings or photographs of the is area on a French Salmson 2-A2, apart from aircraft that are either being built or that have crashed. Therefore there's no 'complete' French aircraft detail available. However, there is a photograph of an American Salmson 2-A2 that does show this area complete. Although the American aircraft were fitted with a Type 3-US generator, which was different from the French version, the detail in their bays look very similar. Therefore I detailed the bay with electrical conduit and wires, tubes and what I assume were aircraft batteries (the observers wireless had its own battery). The detail is a combination of scratch parts, 'ANYZ’ 0.5 mm silver braided line (AN011) and ‘MFH’ black 0.4 mm flexible tube (P-961). Decals used were spares from previous model builds. Out of necessity, the added detail may not be accurate, but at least is does represent that bay area. Mike
  4. Hi all, I've been working on the areas of the model that will remain exposed. The fixed in position access panels have been painted and fitted. I've cut out the cable entry openings in the rear frame and removed pre-molded detail from the fuselage rear access panel area to allow for adding detail. This included twin crossed bracing wires, electrical terminal box, a fuselage rib and electrical wire conduits and pipes. Next is to add the electrical wires, Mike
  5. Hi all, A few updates on the Salmson 2-A2 build. The front end is coming together now. The engine assembly is fitted with the painted access panels. The three on the left side are being left off as the intention is to have a mechanic working on that area. I've added the twin cross bracing wires to the front bay frame (0.08 mm mono-filament, 0.4 mm diameter blackened Brass tube and 'GasPatch' 1:48th scale turnbuckles (Type C). I've also added the access panel metal support ring around the front of the engine support beams. The 'GasPatch' replacement Vickers machine gun and the mounting recess in the panel have been slightly modified to fit. Also the carburettor air intake pipe has been drilled out as it was moulded solid. Now it's onto adding more detail such as wiring, terminal box, cables etc to the exposed structure, using photographs as a guide, Mike
  6. Hi Frank, Yes the main undercarriage strut takes the load but the forward hydraulic ram moves the bogie up or down. So when the aircraft is off the ground, the front wheels are slightly up from the rear wheels. You can see how it operates in this video. Mike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31ypGN0iREE
  7. Hi Peter, I'm no photographer and just take the shots using an Ipad. The model has only had a clear coat of light sheen, so the colours are essentially the unaltered. I think the lighting also affects the look of the colouring. In fact looking at the actual model compared to the photos, they all look different 🥴, Mike
  8. Hi all, Here's the finished Vulcan. 'Flory Models' grey clay wash over the upper surfaces, Dark Dirt on the underside and landing gear. Sealed with 'Alclad' Light Sheen (ALC-311). I also used 'Tamiya' weathering master (soot and oil) around some parts and decals. I've also added a couple of antenna that are included in the kit and the upper navigation light. Now it's onto completing the display base, Mike
  9. Hi all, The basic airframe has been built and painted. The underside was Tamiya White (XF2) with Deck Tan (XF55) added to dull it down. Flory dark dirt applied then gloss coated to seal everything, using Alclad Aqua Gloss 600. The upper surfaces were Tamiya Medium Grey (XF83 and Dark Green (XF62). I found the mask 'TopNotch' (TNM72-M185) set not of much use. In the end I masked the camouflage to surfaces with thin cut strips of Tamiya masking, in-filled with 18 or 6 mm masking tape. I've yet to coat and weather the top surfaces then its the decals, landing gear and probes etc to fit. I'm not sure as yet whether to use the Airfix decal or those in the KitsWorld set. I think Airfix based their decals on the only surviving all anti-flash white Vulcan B.Mk2, which is on static display at Woodford. I think the stencil markings on camouflaged Vulcan were darker? The model is the conventional bomber version which will be in the take-off position, Mike
  10. Hi all, The Avro Vulcan served in the RAF from 1956 until 1984. The standard red/white/blue roundels and fin flashes were used until the 1970's, when the roundels were changed for camouflaged aircraft, including the Vulcan in its low level conventional bombing role. These were the red/blue only roundels and fin flashes. I'm building a No.44 Squadron aircraft from the 1970's onward. This squadron operated the Vulcan from August 1960 until December 1982, when they were disbanded. The decals supplied with the kit have only one wing roundel (camouflage scheme), which is the red/blue type. The following photograph is of four No.44 Squadron Vulcan's practicing over RAF Waddington for their disbandment ceremony in 1982. It clearly shows these aircraft with a red/blue roundel on both wings, not just the port wing, with fin flashes of the same colour. I would suggest anyone building this model researches the particular time period and squadron markings for their model, to ensure the correct type of markings are applied. Mike
  11. Hi all, If you've followed any of my builds you'll know I build specifically 1:32nd scale WW1 aircraft. However, a friend of mine was a crew chief on No.44 Squadron, RAF, operating the Vulcan B.Mk.2 from RAF Waddington, Lincolshire in the UK. He retired from the RAF, like me, a long time ago and I'm building this as a surprise for his birthday later this year. So far the basic model, less canopy and landing gear has be built and primed ready for painting. I wanted to display the aircraft taking off. To that end I modified the inboard engine nozzles and the front and rear spars to accept 8 mm diameter acrylic rod. Two lengths of the rod were heated and bent to the required angles. The base board is 18 mm thick MDF which has been routed around the edges to accept the clear acrylic display cover. I've drilled into, but not through the base to accepts the two acrylic rods. Eventually the case will be wax polished around the edges, with a felt underside. The top of the base will be inset with the embroidered Squadron arm patch with coloured lapel pins of 23 mm diameter, representing the 10 Squadron that flew this aircraft. I just hope the recipient has room in his bungalow for the entire thing, or I'll be looking for another hole for it!! Mike
  12. Hi all, I've decided to change the model to represent Salmson 2-A2, Serial number 381, of Escadrille SAL 28. No reason other than I like the unit's elephant marking, Mike
  13. Hi Drifter, I have used wood effect decals and oil paints to create a wood effect. However, I tend to use a water based crafters acrylic paint from 'DecoArt'. The paint is their 'Burnt Umber', which needs no thinning and can be applied straight from the bottle, either by brush or sponge. I'll prime the surfaces then airbrush 'Tamiya' Deck Tan (XF55), then apply the paint. Normally I brush it over the surfaces and regularly wash the brush in water, which can also be used to thin the paint is desired. Unlike normal oil paint, this paint dries quickly so you need to be careful over brushing as it can lift off the previously applied layer. Once dry it can be clear coated with a semi-matte acrylic or lacquer clear coat. For propellers adding 'Tamiya' Clear Yellow (X24) or Orange (X26) adds a varnished finish. Each of my build logs has a chapter dedicated to 'wood effects'. Just click on a PDF icon to download the detailed build log from my site (link in signature below), Mike
  14. Hi all, Sorry, but I forgot to take shots of the cockpit assembly before closing up the fuselage!! Anyway I added the rudder and elevator control cables. Also the cross bracing wires in the cockpit side frames, across the internal frames and on the floor panels. The observer/gunner seat is fitted in the stowed position, as I'll be adding a figure into the rear cockpit. I still have some weathering and detail to add, such as cockpit and engine control rods and pipes and the wireless reel wire etc. As usual, not much can be seen once the cockpit decking panel is fitted - hey ho. For now I'll be putting this model aside so that I can complete the Avro 'Vulcan' Mk.2 I'm building for a friends birthday next month. Then I'll be back on the Salmson, Mike
  15. Hi all, The basic engine is complete. I've added the ignition harnesses to the two rear mounted magnetos. Also the twin ignition leads from the circular support tube to the twin sparks plugs on each of the nine cylinders. The radiator shutters are being modeled as open, Mike
  16. Hi all, The next build will hopefully be a French Salmson 2-A2, Serial number 381, of Escadrille SAL 28. No reason other than I like the unit's elephant marking, Mike
  17. Hi all, Here's the shots of the 'Roden' 1:32nd scale pre-production Albatros D.I of Ltn. Dieter Collin of Jasta 2 ’Boelcke’, flying from Berthincourt, September 1916. The full build log is here: https://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/12592-132nd-scale-albatros-di/ As usual there is a fully detailed build log (in Adobe PDF format) available to download from my site (link below) Just click on the PDF icon to read or download the log. Mike
  18. Deleted - posted on wrong page, Mike
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  19. Hi all, The final photographs are now up in the 'WNW Ready for Inspection' page, Mike
  20. Hi all, The pilot figure is finished - ‘Wings Cockpit Figures’ leaning pilot (LSK 06). Painted with a mix of 'Tamiya', 'AK Interactive' and 'Citadel' paints. I'm just waiting for the case and information plaque to arrive. Once the display is done I'll post up completed photographs. Thanks to everyone's encouraging comments, appreciated, Mike
  21. Hi all, Just a few more details to add for this particular aircraft. Then it's on to the figure and display base. I've added the bungee suspension cords and tail skid. What's left to do: Propeller and spinner. Exhaust. Windscreen. Cooling system vent pipe. External airspeed indicator. Mirror and instrument. Mike
  22. Hi all, The rigging is now complete. Blackened 0.4 mm and 0.5 mm Brass tube, 'GasPatch' 1:48th scale turnbuckles and 0.08 mm and 0.12 mm diameter mono-filament. Mike
  23. Hi all, I've replaced the front cabane struts using profiled 1.4 mm diameter Brass tube with internal reinforcing 0.5 mm diameter Brass rod and 0.2 mm thick plastic card. The remainder is the kit parts, Mike
  24. Hi Harv, Will do, Mike
  25. Hi all, During fitting of the upper wing both front struts of the fuselage cabane strut assembly snapped. Looking at them it looks like they snapped cleanly and I think along stress points, possibly created during release from the moulds. So rather than pin and glue them together, I decided to make replacement struts from Brass tube shaped around Brass rod. Mike
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