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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Posts posted by krow113

  1. They are  state of the art kits.

    I have the Knuckle & the Brough and would get the Pan before a Duck....

    I did start the Knuck , the frame , my favourite , having worked with the real item.

    Here it is jigged up for a marathon soldering session:


    Part of my experience with these frames was installing them in a cage for straightening and then watching the straightening . Harley provides detailed drawings of the frames for that purpose and special checking tools are required as well. Some of the rods and tubes used on the model are patterned off the real tools.    So I got to know the frames well.

    The soldering went well. MFH metal is softer than you would think but a clear series of events happens when you start to apply heat.

    This frame was soldered together with an open flame torch:


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    • Thanks 1
  2. A consderation with multiple colors in  camo pattern paint work is how the colors 'work' together.

    Case in point your discovery of the difference when you took off the masking.

    Something I pondered over a few bowls when I did this work:


    I watched the blue change as I added each color. This is a normal adjustment your eye makes as it process' the color combo's.

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  3. Prym is like $3.

    Stretching ear bud tubes is a challenge not worth the time. I tried that and getting them all the same diameter is tough.

    After examining all of the available options I used the Prym and some of the p/e flat rigging as well as numerous materials for the connection points.

    I beleive LiSP still has The Biff Piece in their data base , I didn't hide anything when it came to the rigging , so worth the time to look at.

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  4. So glad we got this without mentioning WNW every 3.5 seconds and comparing it to their work , which it is technically.

    And the seemingly 'insurmountable issues', a guy might actually have to do some modelling , whew , didn't we all dodge a thoroughly horrendous bullet there!

    Thanks Meng for going ahead with the kit!

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  5. My business , mostly tourism driven has continued to move in an upward fashion.

    Not complaining!

    I've had people from all over the world in my store in the last 4 months , Asia , Europe , USA , all of them.

    I feel fine.

    The end game here , too subtle or inconclusive for some , has to be simply to get us to go after each other.

    As if the divisive 2 party political agenda wasnt enough , they want us to be looking at each other rather than what they are doing.

    'They' you ask?

    Our so called leaders. In Canada they are selling the country and keeping the money , and have insulated themselves form accountability , responsibility and any kind of actual leadership.

    Things have gotten a LOT worse , and it has NOTHING to do with any disease.

    • Like 3
  6. The local indigenous reserve is closed due to a case showing up there.

    Town business' are reputed to be refusing service to indigenous band members...

    My tongue in cheek "predictions" posted on this thread in March creep ever closer...

    Civil unrest is reaching the boiling point , muted until the last second , as people turn against each other , silently waiting for their tun to pass judgement on one another.

    I cant even , or want to imagine what its like in the urban areas.

    Literally 100 yards past the end of the road, I'm in a safe place.

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