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MARU 5137

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Everything posted by MARU 5137

  1. If he is NOT the same person... BlrwestSir (Carl) was building a B-25 If I remember rightly.. he's in Canada ... same country as you Martin... .. might be helpful to him!
  2. Martin... Mozart the member is called Max... isn't THAT him? He is in Dorset UK.
  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 1to1 Scale. have a Super duper Birthday with your kit(h) and kin.. go WILD.
  4. How can you Get THIS SO WRONG! Royal Mail criticised for D-Day stamp mix-up - BBC News https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-46694509 DOH!
  5. Bill.. You rightly deserve that winning prize And Jeff E mail on its way. Gus PM to you too. Gentlemen HAPPY NEW YEAR.may you have a peaceful, healthy and prosperous year. BILL once more CONGRATULATIONS...
  6. WOO HOO I WON A WINGY THINGY ! Thank you Gus Mac...
  7. CONGRATULATIONS to you Bill on WINNING THE PRIZE... WOW ... its about time you had Fun.. And Jeff It must be Kismet that WE ARE GOOD FRIENDS and you won both MY donated kits.. Please do contact ME when you get a moment so I can start looking for bubble wrap and boxes to send the kits to you. and KUDOS and Congrats to ALL the winners.... now to GO AND see who won what again !
  8. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=319697401922835&id=589111394532355&refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2Fatcmemesofficial%2Fvideos%2F319697401922835%2F&_rdr HAPPY CHRISTMAS You Ruffians.... Now get the HELL OUTTA HERE AND get your Prizes! And Have a Prosperous NEW YEAR ...
  9. This is an aviation narrated spin on a classic that everyone knows. Twas' the Night Before Christmas. If you are an aviation lover, you'll love this. Tis the season! #squawkdirtytome https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=319697401922835&id=589111394532355&refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2Fatcmemesofficial%2Fvideos%2F319697401922835%2F&_rdr MY good friend who is EX RAF AND Face book user sent this.. Hope it works. ENJOY.And MERRY CHRISTMAS.
  10. WELCOME Tim.. woo hoo... Hello and it's lovely to see you spread your wings ... Enjoy. MARU 5137.
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  11. You need to add MY 1:28 scale kit as a Donation. Thank you Ernie. Report post Posted 3 minutes ago
  12. Cupcake/Ernie.... you have not shown this as a Donated gift/Kit from ME against MY name. Please can you rectify this... muchly appreciated.Thank you.
  13. How about our very own RADU ... maybe he has hinges and things for all WINGY THINGYS.. All Products : RB Productions Store, Scale models and accessories by Radu Brinzan http://www.radubstore.com/index.php?main_page=products_all&disp_order=1&page=2
  14. Trumpeter F/A 18F 1/32 build - Centennial of Naval Aviation Superbuild and Contest - ARC Discussion Forums http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/224276-trumpeter-fa-18f-132-build/
  15. Trumpeter F/A-18F Super Hornet - LSP Discussion - Large Scale Planes https://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?/topic/77088-trumpeter-fa-18f-super-hornet/
  16. superbug, twin tails ´n twin engines FINISHED - Works in Progress - Large Scale Planes https://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?/topic/52737-superbug-twin-tails-â´n-twin-engines-finished
  17. Trumpeter F/A-18F Super Hornet - Works in Progress - Large Scale Planes https://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?/topic/30618-trumpeter-fa-18f-super-hornet/
  18. And I am looking forward to your WIP... it will be good to see your amazing build.
  19. Hello Gabriel... WELCOME.. there are a lot of experts who will no doubt drop in and give you information. hope you enjoy the Forums and Nice to have you on board.
  20. They Should Have Asked My Husband". "Pam Ayres: Dad's Swimming Costume". "Pam Ayres" in concert. She's a Poet with her own unique Berkshire accent and vernacular and outlook on life which some may identify with! Really Funny.
  21. Hey Harvey. Didn't Bev tell you not to play with water... Or did you decide to practice boat race in the house anyway !. So Joking apart.... what happened for the home to be gutted so badly with water... tidal wave or something burst or the inclement weather. you didn't say .... if I was THERE I'd help you....with moral support of course.. listen Harvey... if you need to do work just take it easy... that Ticker in New and Christmas is almost here! lots of love and sissies. MARU 5137.
  22. Hello and Welcome Kai. Nice of you to drop in ..its good to see you here..Enjoy.
  23. Reading a book.. .. yeah Yeah. Heard THAT one before. . Naughtie! "Ohh you are awful".
  24. Totally deserve that Sir.
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