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Status Replies posted by JohnB

  1. Hi John,

    I'm asking because I did the 3D drawing for the exhaust long time ago for my own use at the time there were no aftermarket exhaust available. I change the design many times until I was satisfied. Around one year ago I exchange the 3d drawing with parts from aerocraftmodels for my P-51B.
    I'm just curious if my effort meet the expaction of modellers because I do it for fun.

    Regards; Ralph

    1. JohnB


      In my opinion Ralph, the one's I used were 1st class and worked out well. You did a good job of it!


  2. Hi John

    Just wanted to wish you a Very Happy Birthday and the best for #71! I'm right behind you and I'll be crossing the 71 year old mark this November .

    Enjoy your special day

    Your friend


    1. JohnB


      Thanks Peter. Very much appreciated. :)

  3. Hi John

    I know I've questioned what both Ernie and Harv's intention were when they both said they were leaving LSP and joining one or both: ARC and LSM plus the Facebook Group. Ernie joined both forums, made a grand I'm back and joining up 'speech' and hasn't posted a thing. I do lurk on LSP as we all said we would do to keep tabs on some of the builds and whatever but not be active or post. Of course, Ernie and Harv do post and Ernie posts I guess where he is permitted.

    Yesterday and today I've been lurking there, looking at the IPMS Nat photos and Ernie is posting away. Then there is a group get together photo and both Ernie and Harv are smack dab in the middle. I really don't get it.  Maybe I'm missing something but I don't think so.

    Let me know what you think




    1. JohnB


      He now says he's completely done but will lurk as you and I are doing.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hi John

    I know I've questioned what both Ernie and Harv's intention were when they both said they were leaving LSP and joining one or both: ARC and LSM plus the Facebook Group. Ernie joined both forums, made a grand I'm back and joining up 'speech' and hasn't posted a thing. I do lurk on LSP as we all said we would do to keep tabs on some of the builds and whatever but not be active or post. Of course, Ernie and Harv do post and Ernie posts I guess where he is permitted.

    Yesterday and today I've been lurking there, looking at the IPMS Nat photos and Ernie is posting away. Then there is a group get together photo and both Ernie and Harv are smack dab in the middle. I really don't get it.  Maybe I'm missing something but I don't think so.

    Let me know what you think




    1. JohnB


      Here are a couple of screen shots of his reply and mine.




    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hi John

    I know I've questioned what both Ernie and Harv's intention were when they both said they were leaving LSP and joining one or both: ARC and LSM plus the Facebook Group. Ernie joined both forums, made a grand I'm back and joining up 'speech' and hasn't posted a thing. I do lurk on LSP as we all said we would do to keep tabs on some of the builds and whatever but not be active or post. Of course, Ernie and Harv do post and Ernie posts I guess where he is permitted.

    Yesterday and today I've been lurking there, looking at the IPMS Nat photos and Ernie is posting away. Then there is a group get together photo and both Ernie and Harv are smack dab in the middle. I really don't get it.  Maybe I'm missing something but I don't think so.

    Let me know what you think




    1. JohnB


      I know exactly what you mean Peter. I was surprised at Ernie's glowing post about the LSP shirts and the "many" folks asking him about LSP, etc. I sent him a PM on FB asking WTF but haven't heard back so far although I think he read the message earlier. I kind of feel like we were fed some BS. At any rate I will continue to just lurk.



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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