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Posts posted by harv

  1. Thanks guys ! Your a crack up Jeff. Guess thats why I like you. I will definitely keep you all informed. MRI isn't till next Tuesday, but told Bev last night, if headaches get any worst, I'm going to the ER, Things just not right.Carl, turn yourself in NOW. You might be saved !.... 

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  2. 1 hour ago, smitty44 said:

    Sad indeed, but what a gift! If only we got the opportunity to say goodbye like that more often. Blessings to you and your friend.

    You are lucky indeed. As Smitty has said, sad but what courage......harv

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  3. Thank you all so much. I am not asking for pity or "poor Harv", just letting my family here know my fears. I must say it does have me worried. Been having pretty bad headaches the last couple days. Next Tuesday I will hopefully get some answers. Again, Thank you each and every one.......harv :grouphug:

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  4. today I saw a specialist for double vision. The last few weeks its been getting worst. I have tingling on the left side of my face too. Its not my eyes. He did a complete look see. Not normal double vision so next Tuesday have an MRI scheduled. So any bench time will be iffy at best. Just letting you guys know whats going on with me.......harv

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