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Everything posted by PeteF

  1. It was clear that Monogram had improved their kits 2 years after the Spitfire release in the early 1960’s. Still a fun model and good overall quality that made these so fun to build as a kid. I used the wing roundels but painted the rest of the markings. The retractable landing gear worked well too.
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  2. I have a Kotare one waiting in the wings. Looking forward to that one,
  3. The decals disintegrated so I had to paint the markings. Not without its challenges but very nostalgic. This is still a decent model and the hobby wouldn’t be where it is today without them.
  4. Building a trio of these kits. What I found was interesting and nostalgic. The Monogram White-Box 1/48 Scale Models — Building the Spitfire (part 1 of 2 part build) https://youtu.be/SxyhKvPJL4c
  5. I did a Youtube series on this but it was a fun and nostalgic build and I had a lot of responses from people of similar age to whom these Revell 1/32 models meant so much.
  6. Managed to get the last video finished.
  7. Sincerely appreciate the offer but I had already ordered some. Video is late, I’m recovering from food poisoning
  8. Finished it today (finally). Should have the video out EOD Monday.
  9. Oh and someone referred me to this product. I’m going to try it with the trio of 1/48 Monogram white box kits I’m going to do next. https://www.microscale.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=MI-12&Category_Code=FINPROD&Product_Count=6
  10. I did put a gloss coat but only where I was going to put the decals. I’m not sure that sanding with 600 grit and finer wouldn’t have achieved the same thing, Still waiting on the replacement windshield but having fun with weathering for part 5. I’m using sandpaper more than anything else.
  11. When I tested the wheel hub ones, they were superb! Lulled me into a false sense of security. But I think the damage was done on these because the paper curled so much.
  12. Here's part 4. Spoiler: I didn't get it finished yet
  13. Part 3, I’m still ham fisted and break stuff LOL
  14. Here’s part 2. It’s slow going but a lot of fun to build a nice, but simple, kit out of the box.
  15. Hi folks, I finally retired and am going to do some model builds. I'm going to do it as a VLOG for this kit. Building it as-is out of the box. Figure you might have had similar experience that got you into modeling. I'd love to hear about them. I built a 1/24 scale Mosquito and a 1/24 Daimler Ferret that I document on here but it was a while ago.
  16. It’s worth it…I have it in my office now and it’s a great discussion starter.
  17. More walkaround photos including the riveted aluminum skin on the nacelles. https://warbirdswalkaround.wixsite.com/warbirds/tv959
  18. That’s completely wrong. The nacelles are ENTIRELY metal with no wood whatsoever. The rest of the airframe is wood but not the nacelles. In fact there are references in the thread from a Canadian restoration showing the metal nacelles. I also used extensive scale references.
  19. Nice to see a finished one. I tried to build one of those once but gave up on it.
  20. That desert camo scheme is gorgeous. My big spit was a Mk I
  21. The flap linkage doors on the wing remind me of a 1/4 scale Spit I built (back in 1998) where I made those functional. Getting them (and the fiddly two piece on each wing split flaps) to work smoothly and for the door to open/close properly lead to a lot of swearing. Took several weeks to get it to work. Eventually my wife thought these were Spitfire parts called the “F**king flaps” and the “F**king doors.”
  22. At one time, I had an encyclopedic knowledge of Spitfires but had never read about this one. Would be an interesting subject for a kit basher:
  23. They’re too expensive just to have a barrel poking out and the mount in the turret is for a GPMG. The 1911 mounts are impossible to get because they were all removed and trashed when they were replaced by GPMGs.
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