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Everything posted by trickyrich

  1. I'll go with the kit Vacform one, it's super clear and should be a reasonably straightforward cutout job, unlike some. I may even try to cut it so I can fave the canopy open, again this'll depend o how easy they remove. If open I'll have to may some sort of frame work.....that'll be a fun job.......
  2. Ok things came to a real halt with this build namely due to me stuffing up a paint order!!! I ordered some paint that was currently not in stock at the same time as I ordered stuff that was……and the good supplier as they are will send the order once it’s complete!!! So…..no painting for now….which is sort of lucky as I have found some stuff I wasn’t quite happy with! Ok spent all that time getting that spring right with the seat but when looking closer at some of the photos I discovered that the seat sat too high….unless a midget was flying her! Plus the armour back plate wasn’t quite right and it was missing the guides for the harness, plus an extra plate. So mod time…. Here the original seat in position, I’ll remove and replace the mount for it and also replace the “oval” support on the seat itself… …ok that done, new brackets and support.... ...how does she look now… …. Much better, now for that armour plate…. ..(these photo’s were only just taken as I forgot to earlier….)… …and all together it looks so much better, the seat is now at the correct height and the detailing for the armour plate backing is correct. The sad bit is that once the fuselage is together and cockpit on you would see much of it! While I was in the mood for detailing I started on the wheel wells, I won’t go whole hog on them but they’ll at least look busy and interesting. there's still some more to go. She sort of goes together….. …she’ll need a bit of fettling to get everything in order but it should all work out ok. Ok distraction time…..another wee but important build!!! Just to prove I don’t only work on large models… This is an AAI RQ-7 Shadow UAV……well sort of! It’s completely scratch built from photos, it maybe 1/35th….not to sure, will have to do the measurements, but it fit a cake. And why you ask why (and probably not), well it’s my contribution to my son’s wedding cake! My wife is doing the main cakes for the wedding and I’m doing the second one (and yes I can cook and I do do old amazing old fashion fruit cake, my mums recipe ….loaded with Rum of course!!! ). My son is in the Army and works on Drones so thought this would be a nice and fun extra cake! I’ll take photos of the finish model…and cake!
  3. thanks. I was all excited at the thought of getting to start painting the cockpit today, but my postman didn't like me today. So to try and be productive I started to sort out all the parts from the 2 models, keeping all the good ones (or ones that didn't require too mach extra work to clean up) and boxing up the other bits. I now have them all sorted and the second model I back on the shelf......a bit of a nasty surprise when I next get back to it!!!! I spent a lot of time test fitting bits and pieces, and adjusting as required. The big thing for me with resin model and it's a sort of mantra I go through with each build, is to test fit, test fit and more test fitting until i'm happy with the final fit. You get really familiar with how it's all meant to go together and you see what work and what won't and how it will look afterwards. So when it comes time to use the dreaded CA cement you know it's all going to be fine, and with hopefully no nasty surprises! Still the only issue I see with this build will be the wing joins and they're not that bad. To solve this I plan to join the wings to the fuselage is stages. This'll become super clear as I do it and you'll see the reasoning behind it. Hopefully the Postman will be nice to me tomorrow and the paint will arrive tomorrow, then with luck I should have the fuselage and wings done by Sunday....maybe.
  4. As usual from me this is one of my builds from a Group Build I’m hosting on another site. It’s the Specialist’s GB which focuses on particular specialist aircraft of specialist roles they perform…….anyway. I’ll start off by saying this is a model to build only if you REALLY have to have a 1/48thViggen in your collection. It looks fantastic in the box but it’s all down hill from there and is a real disappointment to build, she’s not a straightforward build and in a lot of areas a real disappointment. To me I feel like they had the best of intentions for this model but sort of gave up halfway through. Enough on that…… Heaps of AM stuff was thrown at this build and as I found out 90% of it is actually for the Airfix/Esci model even if they mention it’s for the Tarangus and the Special Hobby model. There are noticeable differences between these model so parts don’t quite fit. The scheme…well it prematurely aged me by 20 years I reckon! I used masks and found out the hard way again that they’re really designed for the said Airfix/Esci models! That aside the thing that saved this paint job was the paint I used. People that have followed some of my other builds know how much I rave on about this Acrylic Lacquer paint from Mr Paint. It goes on so thin and nicely and just gives an amazing finish, just what you need for difficult and complex paint jobs. Anyway please enjoy Model: Tarangus 1/48thSaab SH/SF-37 Viggen Paint: Mr Paint, plus details with Tamiya & Gunze Acrylics, Model Master Metalizer Lacquer Extras: CMK: Air brakes set, Ejection seat, Thrust Reversers Maestro Models Conversions: Canards with lowered flaps, Cockpit Detail set, Corrected Wing Pylon, Rb04E attack missiles, SKA24 Long Range Camera, Splinter camo masks Master Model: Pitot & AOA probes Phase Hanger Resin: Viggen Wheel set https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235052305-saab-sh-37-viggen-completed/
  5. Well my first post for this build and a big one to start with, lots to go over…… plus it’s not quite going to be a straight forward build I had planned for. I had a good look at the second model and unfortunately on close inspection it has issues as well. I have a sneaking suspicion that the second model is a later release and the original one is a very early release. There are quite a few differences between the models in the resin used, the original is a mix and match of different resins while the new one appears to be the one type of resin. The second model comes with additional rockets (it was basically an unopened model) while the first doesn’t. I won't be using these as they have the earlier Mk.I mounts which were only used up until the end of 44 or very beginning of 45. My schemings is for a Mid 45 aircraft so these had the later Mk.III mounts. The older ones will be kept for my "Car Door" build. And the original model has brass U/C legs while the second one has White Metal. All the reviews I’ve read (and photos seen) match the second model. The quality of the moulds seem to point to this as well, the second may have been refined a wee bit. Anyway……. I’ve decided to used both models to build one good one, the leftovers will be used with a Revell donor model to build my RAAF “Car Door” version. Ok there’s some warping on some of the new bit’s but I’m not worried about that for now, the original bit is most cases will be fine. The fuselages, at first sight appeared to be ok... ..... but when compared!!! The new one had been held together in the box with rubber bands, which may or may not have attributed to the fuselage flattening out!! I though a quick bath in really hot water like the original would do the trick….well no!! It emerged like limp spaghetti!! After a slight panic and mild heart attack I managed to recover it…….., it’s ok but I’ll be using the old fuselage. Similar issue with the wings…. Ok the wings, the warped parts of the old RH wing, I managed to straighten them out further with hot water, but the end plates (for the wheel wells) still would fit correctly. As can be seen I had to add some extra support as I began cracking parts of the wing stretching bit. To help with the straightening I made a new end plate out of brass plate. It’s the exact size and as can be seen it doesn’t fit…. So after another quite hot bath things are finally fitting. Ok to fix the remaining unevenness in the wing, which is now very minor I’ll just fill and sand. I will do this slowly and with just light coats of filler to help prevent shrinkage. Because the trailing edge will become too thin in places I’ve added some 0.010 plastic strip on the inside of the flap area to make this up. If necessary I can easily add more to build it up. To this some filler is added, again light coats to prevent shrinkage. This is the simplest way to sort out the wing issues. The interior module is made up of the best bits from both models as a lot of parts were poorly moulded. MDC uses a different type of casting from what you’d normally find in resin model. There are no huge casting blocks only thin pins. They use 2 part moulds instead of the more common one part for all their smaller parts. It can have it’s benefits and issues. Unfortunately in this case for the cockpit more issues than anything else. The only good thing is that most of it will be hidden! For the “Car Door” version I’ll re-build the cockpit framework from scratch using plastic tubing. It will look good when finished. One issue though with the cockpit that did need sorting out was the seat and the “spring” for the height adjustment??? Besides not being moulded correctly on both seats it seat too high and caused to seat to sit to one side in the cockpit opening. The easiest way around this was to make a new spring assembly. I managed to find a photo (spent ages trying to find a clear one) of the setup and built accordingly, it now looks much better… ….and fits! I have paints arriving tomorrow so hopefully I can start painting the interior. I know the interior colour scheme can bit a bit controversial (quite a bit of disagreement on the actual colours used) but I’ll be going for (British) Interior Green for the framework and interior walls level to it, then Black for everything above. So far no real nasty surprises in the build, the wing is a simple job, the only concern in the build to come is the wing/fuselage join. I’ve done quite a bit of test fitting already and know where the issues are, but on the whole nothing dramatic. If I can get the interior painting done in the next couple of days she’ll be closed up and wings on by the end of the weekend.
  6. Hi Phil, other than this you're pretty much left with only the Revell models which are all based on the original 1973 model! I'm really amazed that this aircraft has pretty much been forgotten about in this scale, 1/24th you have the amazing Airfix model, and in 1/48th you have the Hasegawa and Eduard models. Maybe Zoukei-Mura will do one if we all ask nicely! I so want to do one of the 3 "Car Door" ones the RAAF tested in the Middle East, may have to get one of these old Revell ones for parts!
  7. It's been a while since I posted anything on here and this will be my first build thread. This build is part of a GB on another site but figured it'd be appropriate here as well. The GB topic was "Sharks Mouth" and me being me wanted to build something a bit different and I just happened to come across a setoff very interesting decals for a Hawker Typhoon with Sharks Mouth. By pure chance I had MDC's resin 1/32nd Hawker Typhoon in the stash......what a perfect match. I actually have 2 Typhoons along with 2 Ki-61 Hien's as well....... plus now another Fisher Model & Pat. Sea Fury and A-1E "Fat Face" conversion. Some photos of bit for those who haven't seen one of these models before, a lot of these bits are available a AM Update parts. Thin cast, almost like a plastic fuselage, though I much prefer the Fisher hollow cast stuff, but these are nice. Solid cast wings with incredible wheel well detail, but one has real issues.....more later. Really nicely cast and details bit, looks for all the world like a plastic model. Note there are no huge casting block like you get from a lot of other manufacturers. The only AM bits for where will be plastic...usually it the other way around... I've done just a wee bit of pre-start work before the actual start of the GB. Everything has been given a good wash and check over….there are a few issues with this model, the other one I have of her on checking is perfect. I really should build that one but where would the fun be! A lot of the parts are slightly warped (if you’d seen the original box you’d understand! So a hot bath this time will be required for most of then. The big issue is with the RH wing. The inner trailing edge is badly warped! I have already tried the hot it up and straighten it, but not that successfully. It’s a solid cast wing and to get the heat needed to soften the thinker section I run a real risk of damaging the thin sections. This is as good as I could get it. To fix this I plan to laminate new sections of plastic card on the effected areas then re-sand it back into profile, this should work….if not I’ll re-case the rear section from the good wing then just cut out the bad section. Plus on both wings the main wheel well area ahs sagged near the fuselage join, they supply a resin part for the inner section of the wheel well, but I’ll replace this with brass to help reshape that area…….this will be explained a bit later Been looking forward to building this one for ages. Oh dear, just found another one of these and a Ar-234B on evilBay………must …….resist……..
  8. This is my first completed build of the year, it was built as part of the Grumman GB. This build was originally planned to be a Hasegawa F-14D with Aires Cockpit and Avionix’s “Bombcat” Update/Conversion kit. But as luck would have it I won the monthly raffle at my local IPMS and took home Tamiya’s awesome new 1/48th F-14D!! I can’t rave enough about this model, it’s truly beautiful and without doubt one of the nicest models I’ve ever built. I had planned for her to be an OBB but she needed a few extras to her just to finish her off. The OEM wheels are rubber/metal and rubber wheels only look good for a year or two before they start to perish. The ejector seats and exhaust cans just lack detail when compared to the rest of the model and sort of let it down, so they were replaced. For such fine detail throughout the model I needed a paint to capture this and Mr Paint Acrylic Lacquers are just incredible!! They go on so fine straight from the bottle and give a perfect finish. Best of all you don’t loose detail, in spots there are 18 layers of paint and the detail is still super crisp, I so love this paint. The only let down on the whole project was the decals, they were a bit old and for the Revell/Hasegawa model, which I found didn’t fit or line up correctly in a few very noticeable spots! But in the end I’m super happy with the results, I know I’ll have to build another one of these models, maybe an F-14A next time……..or maybe a 1/32ndversion!! Model: 1/48thTamiya Grumman F-14D Tomcat Paint: Mr Paint (main) and Mr Hobby, Tamiya Acrylics, Model Master Metalizer Lacquers Extras: KA Models – F-14D GE Exhaust Nozzle set Quickboost – F-14 Ejection Seats Quickboost – F-14 Wheel set SuperScale Decals – F-14D VF-31 CAG Operation Freedom Iraq Thanks for looking and please enjoy.
  9. This build I finished towards the end of last year (I promise I have new builds coming up so a WIP thread will be inlace for those), for a 60's NATO vs WARSAW Pact GB. This is the first AFV I've actually managed to complete in under a year, have 8 or so in various stages of building...just keep getting distracted! Plus this is the first build I've tried weather an AFV, and I must say it was lots of fun and very messy. I'm still sort of cleaning up the mess. The base model is the Takom one and it's a beauty! It went together without any real issues, though some of the parts needed "adjusting" to fit, and the instructions...I'll be kind here and say they are quite vague in places!!!! The only extras were some Friulmodel tracks, Aber Barrels, and some Magic Model shell casings which in the end you couldn't really see. I tried some new techniques with the paint job to help break the "flatness" of the single colour which turned out ok I think. I have about 5 AFV's planned for this year including a M42A1 Duster (AFV Club German Army) to go with this one as well as a ZSU-23-4 (Meng) later in the year. So please enjoy Model: Takom 1/35thZSU-57-2 Paint: Mr Hobby and Tamiya Acrylics, Model Master Metalizer Lacquer Extras: Aber Gun Barrel set, Friulmodel Tracks, Magic Models ZSU-57-2 Empty Shells ZSU-57-2 build
  10. thanks. The wing fold......its hanging on with a wing and a prayer!!! If I was to do this model again (and I would really love to) or the wings were to break badly (a real possibility), I'd replace the hingers with brass versions. I have it all planned out, basically I'd groove the wings inline with the hung and hit brass flat rod with a hinge cut into the end. This would allow me to fit a pin to hold the outer section and give it real strength. To groove, fit flat rod and fill/finish sounds frightening but is quite simple. I can't remember where I found the reference for the wing locks, I have a couple of books on them, but I think I just trolled the net for pictures. I'll have a dig around to see what I can find for you. It maybe a bit slow as I'm heading off to work tomorrow and will be away for 2 weeks and internet is a wee bit slow where I am (in the top end of Oz, 150mls east of Darwin). But will have my library with me so will have a look. I really don't remember seeing a wing bar fitted, again I'll have to recheck my stuff. http://www.adf-serials.com.au/seafury.htm This is a good site for RAN Sea Fury's plus has some interesting stuff as well.
  11. oh ok, I hadn't found that section yet, I may drop my Tamiya Bombcat (F-14D) in it once she's done.
  12. thanks everyone haha , I wouldn't quite say Master builder, I struggle with build like most of us and have a rather large "shelf of doom", but I'm glad you liked model, it's probably the best I've done so far. I can promise too many new builds as I have a huge stash of 1/48th to get through, but I'm starting to build quite a few AFV's now, think I'm building 7 next year. But I'm hoping to start at least one of the beasts in the stash this coming year, though all but one are full resin models! the stash all 1/32nd... Fisher Model & Pattern - RB-51 Reno Unlimited Racer - sort of started 4 years ago! Fisher Model & Pattern - F9F-5 Panther Model Design & Construction (MDC) - Ki-61-I Hien (have 2 of these) Model Design & Construction (MDC) - Hawker Typhoon Mk.1b Roden - Cessna O-2A Skymaster (plastic) plus who knows what I'll find on evilBay!
  13. This is my first posting here, though some may know me from the Britmodeller site which I seem to live on. I'm starting to move more and more into the larger scales but I'm still predominantly 1/48th. I'm a huge fan of resin models and will normally build one of them over a plastic model....I really do need to have my head read! I'll pop a couple of recent builds up and I'll try to start a build thread for the next big beast I build. Well this was built for the Hawker (Siddeley) GB on the Britmodeller site. The model is Fisher Model & Pattern's 1/32nd resin Sea Fury. I was very lucky to win this one on my favourite website for a ridiculously cheap price as normally they're quite frightening price wish. There was an option in the schemes for an all-over blue RAN aircraft but I wanted to do one in the earlier colour scheme, lucky enough Novascale do a nice set of decals for this aircraft, but in the end I decided to paint all the major markings other than the serial numbers. She does look much better for it. The only other options were replacement tyres, as these aircraft had the diamond pattern tread version and some brass gun barrels and pitot tube. The model was a real pleasure to build with no real issues at all. The only real issue I had was my own doing as I wanted to have the wings folded, the model comes with this option. Not a good idea as the outer wings are really quite heavy resin hinges are very fragile. I ended up making a pair of wing locks as per the those used on the real aircraft, they've helped strengthen the wings, but I'm too scared to turn her upside down in case they fall off. Other that that she was a real pleasure to build and I enjoyed every minute of the build. Hopefully you enjoy the photos Fisher Model & Pattern Hawker Sea Fury FB.11 Paint: Mr Hobby (main), Tamiya, Model Master Metalizer Lacquers Decals: Nova Scale Sea Fury Extras: Master Model: Gun Barrels & Pitot Probe set Fisher Model & Pattern: Diamond Pattern Tyres
  14. very nicely done, I've built the H-1 version and agree whole heartedly with your comments on the front end....very scary!! It make resin models look easy!
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