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The Red Baron

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    Christchurch, New Zealand.

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  1. Great stuff! I love that second rusty old fuselage!
  2. Thanks - they are Gaspatch 1/32 type 'C' on the aileron control cables and type 'A' on the undercarriage winglet. As the internal ones were wrapped in cloth I simply used a blob of glue painted a linen colour to simulate them.
  3. ...ever available in 'Profipack' form?
  4. Wingnut Wings Fokker DVIIF kit, Taurus springs, lifters, and plugs, HGW seat belts, Doug Craner Axial prop, Gaspatch turnbuckles, Master MG15/08 jackets and barrels, RB Productions radiator grills, Aviattic lozenge (4 colour faded), Pheon decals and prototype oxygen apparatus (a very nice little gizmo) and a few scratch built bits and bobs.
  5. Wingnut Wings Fokker DVII (Alb) kit, Taurus valve train, springs, plugs, and manifold nuts, HGW seat belts, Doug Craner Wolff prop, Gaspatch turnbuckles and Anemometer, Master MG15/08 jackets and barrels, RB Productions radiator grills, and Aviattic lozenge (4 colour faded) and a few modifications and scratch built bits and bobs. Despite being a stunning scheme there appears to only be a single photograph of this airframe, to which I have speculatively attached the serial 655/18, being in the correct range and near other airframes in the unit. It featured a crude repair immediately behind the cowing that had loosened the fabric, and a Hebel flare gun protruding through the side of the cockpit. I have not added a flare rack as research suggests captured French flare bags were the preferred option.
  6. Hooray! It worked - thanks!
  7. Wingnut Wings Fokker DVII (Alb) kit, Taurus valve train, springs, plugs, manifold nuts, and priming cups, HGW seat belts and Mercedes throttle linkage, Steven Robson wire wheel, Doug Craner Heine prop, Gaspatch turnbuckles, Master MG15/08 jackets and barrels, RB Productions radiator grills, and Aviattic lozenge (4 colour factory fresh on the fuselage and lower wing over-sprayed with 'brown glaze', 5 colour faded on the replacement upper wing) and a few scratch built bits and bobs. According to the RAF report on this captured machine (G/5Bde/20), it had Mercedes Nr. 34358 and machine guns nos. 6121 and 4952. It had a Heine prop, Nr. 29907. The report described the nose and tail as white with printed camouflage (4 colour lozenge) fabric on the airframe. The upper wing was a replacement (covered in 5 colour lozenge). It had a "wide white line with blue edging on fuselage behind pilot". It was flown by Fritz Blumenthal of Jasta 53. When it was captured it had the black cross on the rudder (unlike what appears in the famous photo). The fabric in this area was apparently souvenired after capture.
  8. Yep, that doesn't work either. Sub-optimal
  9. Morning all. I frequent a number of sites, and would like to post a few things here, however I have a technical glitsch. Unlike any other site I don't seem to be able to 'paste' anything I've copied, including image links from photobucket. The only way I can get anything to stick is to type it all out, key-by-key, as I'm doing now. Is there some setting or function I'm overlooking?
  10. It doesn't look that bad - are you sure you are trying to put the cabane struts in up the right way?
  11. Just a quick note about the Wickelrumpf fuselage - judging by the very clear photographs in the datafile, the interior edges of each strip of wood were sealed with what looks like linen 'rib' tapes, whereas the kit represents them as open grooves. Builders may wish to address this little oversight as all the windows and openings leaves the internal walls of the fuselage very visible.
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