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Everything posted by Folkwulfe

  1. As work permitted, I have been working on a few of the smaller details. First was constructing wooden boxes for the rear deck. I have one nearly done and a second barely started. The pic that follows shows the crate and a rolled tarp on top. Also in the pic is the open tarp usually carried over the gun mantel where it's open to the elements. I for and older DML figure and scavenged the MP 38, ammo pouches, and helmet as additional stuff for the upper hull. I took a couple of German WW2 maps and reduced them before color printing them, and they turned out perfect.
  2. Thanks Pete...I am glad to have that part done. Now I have to get the cables down to final fit and most of the additional equipment placement before finishing the rear deck area. I have to wait for paint for the crew uniforms. I ran out of the proper colors and it will take a couple of weeks before I get them in the mail. The plan is to finish the small details in the meantime. This is where I stand at this point...
  3. Thanks Gus...much appreciated. Got her painted and doing a final fit check before gluing her down permanently.
  4. Thanks Tim....Another milestone, at least for me, I finally got the gumption to tackle the PE rack on the aft deck. The problem was to get 10 pieces of brass flat straps aligned and together to for a three-sided rack for extra equipment on the back deck. The 7 legs had to line up with molded in mounting blocks on the deck itself. CA glue did not have a strong enough bond to hold the pieces long enough, so I decided to solder the joints instead. This presents another whole world of possible problems altogether. Clean, flux, tin, align, clamp down, solder, cleanup, and check fit....for 9 joints between 10 pieces...each. The end result after inventing a couple of new cuss words? And I still HATE PE!!!
  5. Spent about 3 hours last night working on pioneer tools and mounts. There is still a fair amount of weathering to do before they are finished, but at least they're attached. Still have both tow cables, fire extinguisher, shovel, and blackout tail light to go.
  6. I finally have a little progress to report on the Stug project. After a couple of days working over the bodies of the two crewmen, I got to the point of priming them. There was alot more work on hiding all the seams and getting arms and hands close to what I wanted. This is how they look at present... Next is to accent the highlighted areas before the base field-grey color of the uniforms. By leaving deep creases black and highlighted areas light grey and white, the effect will be similar to accented aircraft panel areas and give more depth to the fabric. Let you know as I get further progress.
  7. The markings went on well and register pretty close...
  8. ....and pretty much the final pattern...
  9. The camo application has started...
  10. So the boys finally came to town....as you can see from the picture, they fit pretty nicely with the Stug with a little modification. I had to make some changes. The TC became the loader and the loader became the TC. It is due to their poses being opposite of their roles. The loader was standing and the TC sitting and I needed the opposite. I also had to get rid of a tie one of the figures had molded in and the SS runes on the collar tabs both wore (I am doing Wehrmacht). There are some fit issues with the body halves that will require filling but I can handle that. Both come with a holstered sidearm, ballcap style hat, earphones and throat mics. There are a couple of different arms and hands but not many. The choices are limited.
  11. Have I mentioned how much I hate PE small parts? I know they look great, but that usually comes with a prise tag of swearing, frustration, and massive amounts of time searching for that one critical piece you just launched or dropped into oblivion...4 times!
  12. Well...after festivities were finally done and everyone went home, I was able to get some work on the Stug done....it's looking alot better now. The loaders hatch, periscope and defensive mg are on. Six water cans and two fuel cans are done. And one side skirt is base painted. I still have pioneer tools and mounts to do and I still haven't receive the two crew members...so there's still a ways to go yet.
  13. By the way guys....it's after midnight here in Texas....Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Boss....
  14. If I can help with some techniques I use, I will be glad to share with you. I used to do 1/35th scale custom figures for others....made a little profit to help pay for my projects. Two recommendations before you start.....get small dental brushes and alot of wooden toothpicks. They are invaluable!
  15. Money shot...tracks are on for good and some pastel work and the side skirts can go on permanently. ...and with skirts on.... Not much to see unless you look around them. But I know it's there.
  16. The weathering is progressing well...here's a couple of shots of the initial mud and grass applications. And the tracks are also coming along well...
  17. Both side skirts are ready for paint now. This will be the final paint scheme I will be doing... Northern France in the fall of 1944 not long after D-Day. I am a little concerned about the crew figures which I haven't received yet. The commanders hatch opening has a sighting periscope sticking out of it that takes away some of the clearance for his body. I have to wait until they arrive to see how much of a problem I have. The weather is cooperating lately so some serious painting is in store for the next several days. Tracks and underbody weathering are my main focusing.
  18. ...and I finally got these in the mail...
  19. Appreciate it Doc. I had no idea Das Works had a figure set out. I have already ordered the Classy Hobby driver and TC. I wish they and the jerry can set were here so I can get started on them too.
  20. Test fit number umpteen before the painting commences... The tiny armored spanners between the viewing ports was a pain at first, but turned out well. The upper ring is not yet glued in place so that I can reach all the little spaces with the airgun.
  21. It took awhile, but I finally got the TC viewer ports masked to spray. A few small parts around the perimeter and the hatch port will be finished and painted.
  22. ....and for the first time....sitting on a full set of tracks on her own....
  23. OMG!!! We have track #2.....yeah!
  24. Oh...the humanity! I'm going to see track links and guide teeth and hinge pins in my nightmares for weeks. This is just a sampling of the process of making three pieces into one moveable link. And there's 93 links per side....plus spares! On a lighter note, I should receive the jerry cans and two crew any day now. This is about to get interesting which I sorely need after all this mind numbing track building.
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