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About scorpiomikey

  • Birthday 11/19/1985

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    Christchurch NZ

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  1. Ok, its been 5 days, im opening it up, anybody can ask a new question. The answer was the Ball-Bartoe Jetwing.
  2. yeah they've been linked incorrectly. Im sure the guys will fix this shortly. The links there, you just have to delete the lsm web addy before it. e.g. This is what comes up when you click the link. http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/www.wingnutwings.com It should read. www.wingnutwings.com So you just need to delete the eronious crud.
  3. I dont think ive come accross anyone else with it. I can only see mine. I assume its one of those private things.
  4. THE ADMINS HAVE ANSWERED! Long story short, its pointless, ignore it lol.
  5. Because you dont have any warning points yet. The higher it is, the naughtier you've been.
  6. Im not 100% but im assuming a mod can give you warning points if you infringe on any of the rules, if your warning points reaching a certain level you get a suspension of your account, so many suspensions gets your banned, or something to that effect. Thats my theory anyway.
  7. I think the issue is theyve been linked wrong, Are you getting an error page?
  8. Because its your profile banner, you have information available to you about yourself that others cant see (I assume mods can see it too)
  9. Seems to be ok now for me too. Odd, maybe its my computer at home. Ill try again tonight and see if it still does it.
  10. Nobody? Ok part of the manufacturers name is a childs toy.
  11. When i go to the reply box at the bottom of a thread, if im posting photos i usually like to expand it so i can see what im doing. But for some reason if i do that i cant scroll down to the post button. The scroll bar on the right resets to the regular box size, the box resets, then expands again and no matter how hard i try i cant get to the post button. Im not explaining it very well, Its not much of an issue since its easily rectified (copy message, refresh page, paste message, post) But i thought you guys might like to know about it.
  12. That is an epic little plane, i love it. But no. The technology has to do with the flaps.
  13. Little bit earlier than krueger flaps. The A380 bought the concept back. In the 70's when it was used it was notoriously unreliable and was removed from alot of aircraft. But its not the technology im after, its the aircraft.
  14. Another hint. Single jet engine.
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