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1:32 Junkers Ju88: A, C, D and G variants Decals


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1:32 Junkers Ju88: A, C, D and G variants

Available directly from AIMS Models




Although they make resin upgrades and decal for a variety of Luftwaffe subjects in all three of the main scales, AIMS are really synonymous the Junkers Ju88 in 1/32 scale. With the arrival of Revell's ground breaking Ju88 A-1, AIMS were able to bring to the market not only decal sheets for this most versatile of Luftwaffe bombers, but also a series of ever more ambitious resin conversions. They cover many different variants, from the relatively simple C-6 conversion, through a whole raft of G series nightfighters, to seemingly crazy projects like the Ju88 Mistel.




Interestingly, the one conversion they didn't offer was the A-4, which is surely the most common variant and offers the most possibilities. For that, you would have had to pay more than the price of the kit again for the L'Arsenal resin conversion - which crucially offered a replacement canopy in clear resin rather than the dreaded vacform (!). This conversion, although excellent in quality, is thankfully about to be made redundant with the imminent appearance of Revell's Ju88 A-4 kit. The advantage of such a mainstream release is also that it should help to bring a whole raft of additional aftermarket out of the woodwork.









So with that especially in mind, let's take a look at these decal sheets. The quality of all three is excellent. In general, no fuselage or wing crosses are supplied, unless they are non-standard; however, swastikas are provided in whatever format is required (Revell do not provide them due to German law). One feature I particularly like is that references are cited, so if you want to hunt out the picture of your modelling subject, you can do so. This is especially useful if you want to draw your own conclusions about camouflage or markings. The only thing I would have liked to see was a word on each aircraft (where applicable) about bomb racks and ordnance - if this was visible in some photos it should ideally have been mentioned.






AIMS 32D008
Junkers Ju88 A-4 / C-6 / D-1


C-6 <-+- Stab ZG 1 Geschwaderkommodore Erich von Selle, Lorient March 1944
Standard splinter scheme, although possibly RLM72/73 instead of 70/71 is mentioned. von Selle was a Battle of Britain fighter ace with seven kills. Early armoured windshield noted, middle two panes only. Both AIMS and CMK offer C-6 nose conversions, but these only work on an A-4 airframe if I am right, so you would still need L'Arsenal's conversion, or the forthcoming Revell kit.


A-4 5K+BP of 6./KG 3, Ukraine 1942
Standard splinter, yellow fuselage band and underwing tips, yellow spinners. Interesting for text (engine number) with 'V' underneath on outside of engine nacelles - exceptionally rare.


C-6 5K+ET of 9./(Eis.)/KG 3 Lt. Udo Cordes, Poltava 1943
Renowned 'locomotive experte' - that's train buster to you and I - Cordes' aircraft displays 81 victories on the tail fin. Unknown armoured windshield, yellow theatre markings plus winged wheel logo next to KG 3 Blitz emblem.


A-4 7T+FH of 1./KG 77, September 1942
Ship killer this time, with eight ships on tail fin. Standard splinter scheme, white fuselage band; shown with cannon (MGFF?) in front of gondola.


A-4 F1+DP of 6./KG 76, Russia 1943
Full whitewash with yellow theatre markings, but described as having engine change so green nacelle - unclear whether this refers to both engines or not?


D-1 7A+LH of 1.(F)/121, Libya 1943
All over RLM79, white theatre markings. Reconnaissance D conversions available from both AIMS and L'Arsenal. Distinctive white bird (goose?) of the Aufklr units below cockpit.






AIMS 32D009
Junkers Ju 88A-4 / A-6 / A-17 /C-6 / D-1


This decal set is very much for the 'modelling experten': AIMS' G-series conversion is not for beginners, and the majority of the paint schemes will take some considerable airbrush skills to pull off.


D-1 T5+GL of 3 (F) Aufkl.GrObdL, Luga 1942
Full whitewash with yellow theatre markings; unusual Japanese 'rising sun' unit insignia which should really stand out against white fuselage. FuB12 antenna moved further aft due to cameras fitted aft of the bomb bay.


A-6/U PN+MT of KG 54, Mediterranean, 1943
Black undersides apart from engine cowlings (possibly reflection?), standard splinter topside with RLM02 or 76 Wellenmuster (elaborate squiggles). Late style rear canopy, possibly with MG131. Radar antennae arrays in front observation window and on fuselage spine - you really will need to consult the refs for this plane unless you already possess a number of similar photographs.


A-4 B3+AM of 4./KG 54, Catania 1943
Possible A-14 variant given MGFF in front gondola. Standard RLM79 topside, but with sparse RLM80 and unknown light colour wavy lines; underside full RLM80 Wellenmuster.


C-6 F8+RY 14./KG 40, flow by Oblt Kurt Necesany, Bordeaux 1942
New style camouflage of RLM 76 and an unknown light grey cover fuselage, only partially covering topside with old splinter still prominent - should make for a striking aircraft. Rack antenna fared over with perspex. Necesany was killed in combat 14th February 1944.


A-17 3Z+JT 9./KG 77, Southern Europe 1943
Splinter camouflage virtually invisible under very heavy Wellenmuster topside; RLM80 used on undersides. You will need RATO underwing rocket packs for this torpedo bomber, but no FuG200.


C-6 4R+AS 8./NJG 2 Hptm. Fredrich Tober, January 1944
FuG220 in nose, with schrage musik MG151s located mid fuselage. Depicted with two tone mottle, colours not listed.






AIMS 32D010
Junkers Ju 88A-4 / C-6 / D-5


A-4 9K+AS 8./KG 51, NikolajewCrimea 1942
Fairly standard A-4 in splinter with yellow theatre markings, but with red spinner and yellow nacelle rims. Large KG 51 Edelweiss emblems either side below cockpit.


D-5 T5+BU Wekusta ObdL 1, Bad Zwischenahn, 1942
Interesting variant: metal VDM props, early shapes spinners and Jumo 211 J1 / J2 engines. No ventral gondola fitted, and MGFF cannon fitted in front glazing. Instructions mention extra windows were added in cockpit floor (where gondola was), and that some D-5s were fitted with original rudder of A-1 / A-5 series, but no indication whether the information applies to this aircraft.


A-4 3Z+AC Stab.II/.KG77 Hauptmann Heinrich Paepcke, Malta 1942
Standard splinter but with what looks like RLM79 and RLM76 in large blotches on fuselage; unclear as to exact coverage due to only partial photographic reference. Paepcke was Gruppenkommandeur of II./KG 77, and was KIA over Malta on 17th October 1942.


C-6 R4+BH 1./NJG 2, El Quasaba 1943
The first of two all black NJG 2 aircraft , this one operating out of El Quasaba, North Africa.


A-4 R4+CK I./NJG 2 Oblt Jakob, Catania 1942
All black aircraft; of note is fact that the eagle in the NJG 2 badge faces forward on both sides.


C-6 D5+AV II./NJG 3 Oblt Gunther Koberich, Grove 1943
RLM65 or 76 base, with light mottle. Single B stand and late style armoured windshield, with FuG202 Lichtenstein radar. Unit badge in unusual outline only style.







There is great variety in these decal sets, and the quality is very high. The information provided for each aircraft is useful, but perhaps not as complete as it could be. However, this is because the variations and permutations for the Ju88 are simply more numerous than for say a particular type of Bf109. That AIMS have provided the references used in each case makes up for this in my opinion - you can get the books, see the photos and decide for yourself. The G-series conversions are not for beginners, but with the arrival of Revell's A-4, a good proportion of the aircraft in these sets should be much more easily attainable.


Highly recommended.


With thanks to AIMS for the review set. To purchase directly, click THIS link.


Nicholas Mayhew



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