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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Heinkel He 111Ps of KG 27 (Kagero Red Series Decals)


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Heinkel He 111 Ps of KG 27 (Red Series Decals)

Code: KD2-1/32(32002)

Manufacturer: KAGERO

Price: €13.53


For large scale aircraft modelers, early war Luftwaffe subjects were a topic that was long overlooked.  The old Hasegawa 109E, the Revell Ju 87 and Bf 110 (and a few other dinosaurs from the '60's) being about the only exceptions.  Curb your enthusiasm, right?  Over the last several years we've seen this problem rectified big time.  New Emils, 110s, Stukas, even large scale Ju 88s and He 111s!  Enough to keep you busy for a good long time.  If you've got Revell's excellent 1/32 He 111P in your stash (if you don't please take a look at our own Nick Mayhew's excellent review of the He 111H-6, the H-6 is a bit different but a good portion of the review is applicable to the P as well http://www.scaleplasticandrail.com/kaboom/index.php/all-things-aviation/132-135-scale/132-kit-reviews/1867-1-32-heinkel-he111-h-6-from-revell) and are looking for something other than a Battle of Britain aircraft this sheet is right up your alley.


Kampfgeschwader 27 (KG 27) was formed in May of 1939 and was active in the Polish campaign, the Battle of France and the Battle of Britain.  The aircraft featured on the decal sheet all from the 1939-40 era, they include:


- He 111 P-2, W.Nr. 1417; coded ‘1G+FN’ of 5./KG 27, Seerappen, East Prussia, September 1939;
- He 111 P-2; coded ‘1G+BB’ of Stab I./KG 27, flown by Oblt. Paul Hollinde, Gablingen, late autumn-winter 1939/1940;
- He 111 P-2; coded ‘1G+DL’ of 3./KG 27, crew: Uffz. Otto Wehmeier (pilot), Uffz. Arthur Voigt (observer), Uffz. Otto Miklitz (flight engineer), Uffz. Manfred Kisker (radio operator); Münster-Handorf, 10 May 1940.




Included in the package is a 12 page full color booklet and two sheets of decals.  The booklet contains beautifully rendered three view color profiles (as well as lower wing scrap view) of the three aircraft featured on the decal sheet.  The profiles also serve as a decal placment guide. 




Two photos of "1G+DL" in a somewhat less than airworthy state included as well as short narrative on each of the three featured aircraft.




The decals are bit of a (welcome) departure from the "Topcolors" series as they contain a full sets of national markings as well, although the Hackenkreuz are split into two parts as is customary to comply with laws in countries where it's illegal to display.  The scans do not do the quality of the artwork on this sheet justice, it is simply superb, the best I have ever seen, period.  Kagero and Cartograf have outdone themselves, enough said!  Note that these are available in 1/72 as well for Hasegawa's excellent He 111P.


So what do we think?


Buy these!  Do not pass GO, do not collect $200!  Very highly recommended!


Thanks to Kagero for the review sample.  Available directly from Kagero here: http://www.shop.kagero.pl/en/1-32-heinkel-he-111-ps-of-kg-27.html

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That's a super looking set - as one would expect from Kajero, nice an colourful. I enjoyed the review Mike


(Oh, and an He111-P is winging its way oop nort' to James Aloyicious Gaylord Lancelot Hatch tomorrow)

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