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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×



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Is Voyager try to get the prize to the most complex photo-eteched??? Are They competing with Griffon???

Tracks in 1:35 in photo-etched????Geeezzz!

I used their set on the Tortoise and i must say that half of the set is no useful.






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​Yes, Voyager goes beyond the need. But…….they are somewhat reasonably priced. I am using their set on my Tiran 5 as we speak. Not the full set, just the basic. You have to put yourself in the mindset that you are not going to use the whole thing. They are the easiet pe I have ever used. Easy to bend and form and most important, minimal attaching points on the fret. That helps a lot in cleanup. I use the X-acto #9 knife and blade exclusively on pe. Small and extremely sharp. 


Think that is nuts? Check out Voyagers track set for the LVT series vehicles.



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Don't get me wrong! I like Voyager PE, because They are not to expensive and very easy to handle. But i also do think that sometimes, They go away beyond the need... I think just for looking (because i do not have the FT17 set) that this is beyond the need...maybe i'm wrong!!! :)

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