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Windsock 'World War Centenary'

Vol.29, No.5
Albatros Productions
Available from Albatros Productions for £7.60




I have to admit that seeing the latest Windsock magazine with the 'World War Centenary' wording next to the title, does make me feel a little more melancholy. It can't be nostalgia, as of course, I wasn't around during that conflict, but for many years I have had an interest in this period, and indeed met people with a direct link to the Great War. Now, we have no veterans left. The 'war to end all wars' has silently slipped into the history books as another episode for which we have to relate to books and old cine-footage to be able to comprehend.




Featured on the cover of this issue is David Coulthard's post war conversion of the Wingnut Wings DH.9a 'Ninak', resplendent in a gorgeous silver-doped finish. Inside the front cover we have the Reader's Gallery and Frontline News. The Gallery in this issue is a single page instead of the doubles I've seen more recently, but features some fabulous modelling in the form of the Wingnut Wings Junkers J.1 and Pfalz D.IIIa.


It's the end of an era (although we may see more in future) for the Lance Krieg 'Modelling Master Class' series. I've really enjoyed this aspect of Windsock, since we received the first review copies, and I've already built up a library of excellent modelling tips which will be invaluable for my full transition into WW1. I've always known there has been a scratch-builder within me, kicking and screaming to get out. This month's master class focuses on finishes and markings and their application. Lozenge application options are discussed, as is decal application and bare metal finishes.






Weathering is also touched upon too, with many aspects of this 'science' being taken in hand and explained. The whole section is lavishly illustrated with superb, colour images, annotated for clarity. The real good news is that there is an intention to create a modelling-special from Lance's fine work. When that time comes, we hope to be able to bring you a thorough review.


This month's featured aircraft is the Aviatic 30.24 experimental Austro-Hungarian triplane fighter. I admit to not knowing of this type, but would be naïve to think that the only triplane protagonists were Fokker and Sopwith. This particular machine certainly isn't as pretty as the usual suspects, but certainly creates an interesting article, complete with numerous period images and some 1:72 profile line drawings.

Great War Paint again features the SE.5a, in the second part of this particular feature. If you thought there were some outrageous schemes with the last issue, then these put them to shade, with some of the most attractive British colours I've seen on an aircraft of this period. How about a red machine, with a Nazi swastika on the tail? I'm serious!




The subject of colour is always a contentious one for any WW1 modeller. Anyone who knows anything about the subject will tell you that trying to decipher the colour spectrum from old period photos isn't an exact science. Some colour frequencies are so close as to be indeterminable, and some historians still argue over this subject. If this wasn't enough, 'Coloured Thinking', focusing on the minutiae of aircraft appearance from castor staining and repairs, to the divots, dents and scratches which can be seen in period images, and how the applied colours have suffered whilst in service. For the purist, this subject is a seriously contentious subject, and it's interesting to read an insight into this world. Enter at your peril, but don't ever stop trying to achieve your own version of perfection.




A show report for the IPMS convention in Colorado is given, with some model images, and Kitbag Classics looks at a classic Fokker D.VII kit from Renwal, first tooled in 1966.


Of course, it would be positively rude not to look at the cover aircraft in more detail, and this is exactly what we have here with some close-ups and in-construction images. A link is also given to the WW1 Aircraft Modelling forum, so you can see the build log for yourself. Since this model was started, and indeed finished, WNW have already now shown that they will eventually release a post-war Ninak. Don't you just hate it when you convert a model, and that happens!




On the Transfer List looks at the latest decal releases for our hobby, and Kitbag takes a look at the latest kit releases, unsurprisingly. Accessories aren't forgotten too, with new releases from Taurus and Modelkasten looked at.

The Figuratively Speaking section takes a quick peek into the world of figure accessories for your dioramas and vignettes. Again, Modelkasten is the company releasing items this month. Whilst we don't have a letters section this month, you can console yourself with the rather amazing images on the rear cover. These depict a reproduction Rumpler C.IV under construction. I hope that Windsock bring us more images of this as it progresses. The work looks gorgeous.


There is never a disappointment when the latest Windsock magazine arrives. Without exception, they are, for me, the single most interesting publication for our hobby. Ray Rimell is one of our most knowledgeable figures in the WW1 aviation genre, and a great modeller too. His professionalism and enthusiasm is written through each journal as clearly as any project within. Again, another issue you simply have to go and buy. Even better, treat yourself to a subscription.

NB. From 2014, Windsock is becoming a quarterly publication again, with of course, a reduced annual subscription charge. Go treat yourself...


Very highly recommended


James H


Our sincere thanks to Ray Rimell at Albatros Productions for this review sample. To purchase directly, click THIS link.

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