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RLM 62 applied. And again the camouflage has been under the last camouflage colour. So far the masks are working, but in sensitive areas I am assisted by the irreplaceable TAMIYA tape.




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And this will become apparent after the final colour of the RLM 61 camouflage has been laid down and the masks removed. It will be apparent if I applied them well and helped myself with Tamiya tape correctly or if something went wrong. So far everything looks great. 

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So what's left is to take the masks off and see how they came out, and for now, after laying down the last of the RLM 61 camouflage colour, this is what the model looks like with the masks still on.



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The mask was not included in the kit so I made one myself instead of using decals. And one more thing, masks removed and nothing to fix. It looks nice, I just need to put it together and I'll post pictures of how it came out.


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Wheels put together and in the right colours, you can barely see but the tyre is not just black and in addition I marked the lettering on the tyre in white. If it goes well today the model will be finished. And tomorrow a gallery of the completed He-112 .



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And managed to finish another model, the last workshop photo showing the Heinkel He-112 B-0 model flown by Pilot Cpt. Isaac Arroniz Larios, 1942, Nador, Spain. In summary this LF Models model was built without any problems, the masks for the cockpit cover as well as the camouflage fitted perfectly. It was necessary to glue the protruding parts of the mask with Tamiya tape, but this is normal. The 3D parts fit very well and made the work easier, but if you prefer to scratch around, you can skip the purchase. Disadvantages? There are two, and that's not really to say minuses. The first is the instrument panel, which is correct in the model, but I miss the clocks and have to do something myself. And the second is the pilot's belts and they are also not in the kit but they are from EDUARD. So these two things were missing for me to be completely happy with the construction of the Heinkal He-112. I invite you to the gallery.







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